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UserInfo Greeps

Greeps competition on Greenfoot site!

Official Rules of the official competition can be found here:

Please read in-game help.

No solutions are given in source nor made public.
Please do not discuss solutions.

For now you can use ctrl+t inside a TextBox to input 4 spaces at caret position (to mimick tab)

Does not save your code until it finishes running all 10 maps.

If you want copy and paste to work with your system clipboard, follow this walkthrough:

For reusable GUI Components, visit:

9693 views / 28 in the last 7 days

16 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: simulation with-source code greeps competition gui program highscores userinfo bourne

This scenario is a member of: High Scores

open in greenfoot

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Nov 21 19:54:51 UTC 2013 Preparation for a project coming soon.


Hey, no copy and paste? I had been working on this for a long time (my average is around 100 tomatoes on the first three maps) but now I can't show you guys my code?


@JohnSherer, first via the rules and nature of the competition, code should not be shared. Note your code should be saved on the scenario, and I believe it is printed out to the console. Lastly, there is a way to get copy and paste to share the clipboard with your system clipboard, mentioned in the scenario description above.


Sorry, what I meant when I said "show you my code" is "show you how my Greeks move with the code I wrote." I was studying Greenfoot and the greeps competition before I saw this page. I do see a link for how to copy and paste, but it looks like too much effort. Anyway, your score is higher than mine, so it's not like I was going to crack any records.


@JohnSherer, the ability to show others how your Greeps move is not implemented here since I don't think it would be desired. Watching how Greeps move can shed a lot of light on what the code is doing such as how the code uses the different elements such as the paint the Greeps spit. I don't see a score for you, were you not running your code in this scenario here onsite?


I think his point is that he has a code, but not here in your scenario and he wants to import this code, so others can see his score.


Did something break? I get an error on the initialization (after run and before I ever see anything). Caused by: access denied ("" "" "connect,resolve")


Are you in java 8?


Yeah, 8 tightened security.


doesn't work

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