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Scenarios tagged: puzzle

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play Solitaire
plays 1029 / votes 0


by Gronold, 2023/5/26

The classic online card game, now availiable on Greenfoot

play Train Yard
plays 3103 / votes 3

Train Yard

by bourne, 2013/5/5

Trains! A sandbox and 3 unique game modes

play Pushy (Lite)
plays 1452 / votes 0

Pushy (Lite)

by SammyFORreal, 2022/4/30

Push your way to the exit and collect diamonds!

play Puzzling
plays 5743 / votes 9


by JetLennit, 2013/4/6

A Puzzle

play Kara Sokoban 108
plays 3685 / votes 2

Kara Sokoban 108

by danpost, 2016/5/9

108 sokoban puzzles

play Kara Hexoban
plays 4929 / votes 4

Kara Hexoban

by danpost, 2014/1/19

A group of hexagonal puzzles. Work-in-progress uploaded for comments/suggestions.

play Switcheroo
plays 2762 / votes 1


by danpost, 2017/10/3

Solve the puzzle.

play Block Swapper
plays 4919 / votes 4

Block Swapper

by danpost, 2012/4/4

Tile swapping puzzles in various difficulty levels.

play Sliderz Trifecta
plays 3479 / votes 2

Sliderz Trifecta

by danpost, 2013/1/3

Slider puzzles of 9, 16, and 25 tiles with grading and progress tracking.