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I implemented this as a cheat to send the player into a blank room in my game, and it was working. However I was changing the layout of the room a bit and now the scenario freezes every time I use the cheat. I've tried changing the layout back to how it was before along with a multitude of other things, but it just won't work anymore. Does anyone know why?
Shouldn't the ball move with the moving platforms when on them?
-Player will sink into the floor after taking damage
Dangit, I forgot to publish the source code again! -_-"
Wait, it just randomly slowed down. ?????? I think the website was glitching so it was playing as fast as the last scenario I played.
There is something I should mention: I created my own grid engine to work with the scrolling engine. The Y origin is at the bottom instead of the top (the y coordinate of the ground is "0", and the blocks at the very left of the screen are also at "0" for the x coordinate), and every 50 cells is one point. Also, because of the way I set it up, I can re-size anything in the scenario and all of the coding will still work. So in case you think this window is too small, you can always download the code and enlarge it.
I figured it out before I saw your comment. Thank you anyway.
I figured it out before I saw your comment. Thank you anyway.