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Ok nevermind, you just do ((SWorld)getWorld()).addObject(new Health1(),30,health,false);
I do, but it doesn't let me use a boolean parameter at the end. I think it's calling the built in "addObject" method, and not the one you made.
But wait, how do you do this from an actor? I'm sorry for all of the questions, but I'm only in Computer Science 1 and I don't know as much as I'd like to.
Oh duh, I feel stupid now. Thanks.
How do you make an exception for scrolling like for health meters?
I uploaded this on my mom's computer by the way. I finally figured out why it was SOOOO slow and made me unable to do almost anything on it: it had like 13 toolbars installed. :P
I just realized: the health was probably the easiest part of the engine! XD
Why the hell is my actual FULL NAME in the title?!?!?!?!