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Scenarios tagged: starfield

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play Space Admiral
plays 3174 / votes 2

Space Admiral

by wabuilderman, 2015/4/26

You can rule the Galaxy... In 64-Bit

play Mouse Warp
plays 4135 / votes 2

Mouse Warp

by dan11, 2014/12/17

A particle simulation

play Warp
plays 2635 / votes 1


by warrior, 2013/11/3

Travel through space

play 3D Starfield
plays 8756 / votes 9

3D Starfield

by sp33dy, 2012/1/24

A simple 3d starfield

play SmileyInSpace
plays 9934 / votes 19


by Herman, 2009/7/4

I wrote some real cool midimusic, circular and spiral path motion, and a stream of stars :-)