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adamkjelstroem presents ...


Was kann man lesen

This is an idea that I got from a german lesson. The senteces are in german and they tell tings you can read. If any of you knows how to make more than half of an object's image be able to be out of the screen bounds, please tell! :-D

3247 views / 9 in the last 7 days

Tags: space simulation with-source color language german night

open in greenfoot
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To make the images go off screen, make the world unbounded. In your world subclass, instead of this: super(600,400,1); do this: super(600,400,1,false); This also means that your position can be smaller than 0.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Sep 04 13:59:17 UTC 2012
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Sep 13 21:46:10 UTC 2012 Enabled key controlled scrolling
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Sep 19 14:06:50 UTC 2012 Added moving stars to give the impression of flying through space.


Was kann man lesen, thank goodness I take Deutsch.

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