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In Game.workWithMeny(DynamicMenu) method, you use Greenfoot.isKeyDown() to check various keys, however, it latches keypresses - so if they were pressed while the "about" dialog was showing, it will detect them being pressed. You just need to call the check for each key once when you return to the main menu, to clear the latched value.
Quite different! nice game.
Thanks DonaldDuck. This was originally a Greenfoot demo I did at a SIGCSE conference in Milwaukee; I created the scenario, added the kangaroo, made it jump, and then inverted it. The audience liked it too.
Thanks. It wasn't too hard, the stars have a vector magnitude which is multiplied by the (inverted) ship direction, to give them a velocity. It's a shame though, I've lost the source code for this and I forgot to upload it.
1848. It becomes critical to turn your shields on just before shooting the last rock, otherwise an asteroid can appear right on top of you as part of the next wave... maybe the new asteroids should all appear around the edges of the screen?


The problem with the scenario description has been discussed on the Greenfoot-discuss group. It's a Greenfoot bug. You can avoid it by specifying a description for your updates - if you leave the update description blank, it resets the long description, but if you enter something in the update description, the long description is preserved.
Quite good! However, there is not enough space in the text boxes for the text (on linux). Probably the font is slightly wider than what you see on your own system.
Your scenario screenshot isn't visible, probably because you haven't uploaded one. There's a checkbox when you upload labelled "keep current screenshot". You need to *uncheck* that when you upload your scenario.
That's right... applets aren't allowed to connect to servers except the one they live on.