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You may want to add a failsafe (if !Greenfoot.isKeyDown("space") { running = false; }) because there is a glitch where if often thinks the spacebar is down when it's not.
"e" on your keyboard opens the inventory, wasd dig in the corresponding direction (w digs up, d digs right, etc.) and also place the block in the held space in the corresponding direction.
Your collision detection is much better than mine... Care to share the source-code?
Spilli, could you upload the source to this? I'm also curious to see the multi-threading you did with this as I've never used threads :s Thanks!
The par score is my personal best, so props to you ;) I'll have to implement highscores for this.
Thanks prodigy, but yes, there are many excellent games, scenarios and especially many talented users on the site. Builderboy and bourne are only a couple prime examples.
Sure. The first screen is just a picture with some click detected areas (if Greenfoot.mousePressed() && mouse.getX()>minx && mouse.getY() >miny && mouse.getX< maxx && mouse.getY() < maxy) The second and third screens just have actors (the pipes) which set the level to a certain level if the player is on it and it pressed the down key
check your java console. You may not be logged in or the applet may not be communicating with the high-scores