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Scenarios tagged: wave

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play Wave Pulse
plays 4958 / votes 9

Wave Pulse

by danpost, 2013/1/8

Variations on a wave pulsator. Click changes world. UP/DN arrow changes apparent speed.

play Plants Vs Zombies
plays 3176 / votes 0

Plants Vs Zombies

by Zestix, 2019/2/26

Remake of the classic PVZ game

play Project Glow
plays 5385 / votes 7

Project Glow

by Gazzzah, 2012/5/5

Wave based survival... with a lightsabre!

play Waves
plays 7376 / votes 1


by jakob, 2011/3/29

Make cool looking, totally useless shapes out of waves.

play Mega-Asteroids
plays 4445 / votes 1


by Sadik, 2010/9/25

Destroy Asteroids and collect score

play SmileyInSpace
plays 9921 / votes 19


by Herman, 2009/7/4

I wrote some real cool midimusic, circular and spiral path motion, and a stream of stars :-)