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Scenarios tagged: nikz

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play CALC 2.0
plays 3774 / votes 0

CALC 2.0

by NikZ, 2014/7/14

Simple calculator named CALC

play Pong
plays 4188 / votes 1


by NikZ, 2014/8/29

The classic Pong.

play Flashlight Demo
plays 3442 / votes 0

Flashlight Demo

by NikZ, 2014/9/26

Looks real!

play Defenders of CubeWorld: Space Invasion
plays 6370 / votes 0

Defenders of CubeWorld: Space Invasion

by NikZ, 2014/8/18

Defeat Lord Cubicus!

play Math!
plays 2877 / votes 0


by NikZ, 2014/9/5

Bouncing Math!

play TNT
plays 10394 / votes 2


by NikZ, 2014/5/16

Blow up the world!

play Cubes
plays 20372 / votes 8


by NikZ, 2014/8/9

Avoid the falling cubes at all costs!

play Hypertype
plays 2924 / votes 0


by NikZ, 2014/9/1

Reflex typing game.

play Snake
plays 2415 / votes 0


by NikZ, 2014/11/4

The classic Snake!