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Scenarios tagged: fun

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play DragonBallZ
plays 8447 / votes 4


by Evil12345678910, 2008/6/16

Catch the dragonballs before they hit the bottom!

play Mars Patrol
plays 9100 / votes 6

Mars Patrol

by Cash_Cash, 2009/5/10

Classic Arcade Game: "Mars Patrol"

play Hi-Q
plays 22350 / votes 37


by Herman, 2009/5/13

Hi-Q is an easy to play solitaire game.

play Purple Piggy Game (Farm Frenzy)
plays 7500 / votes 0

Purple Piggy Game (Farm Frenzy)

by purplepiggy, 2009/5/19

A game about a purple side of ham with legs.

play The Art of Clay Pigeons
plays 5078 / votes 0

The Art of Clay Pigeons

by ktmwww.ktm, 2009/5/19

Shoot the Clays

play TargetPractice
plays 6264 / votes 3


by Park.Hin.Yeung, 2009/5/22

Simple target practice game to test your reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination

play Tower Defense
plays 4869 / votes 0

Tower Defense

by Master_of_Programming, 2009/8/9

play OnTheDot
plays 16404 / votes 26


by Herman, 2009/8/12

Cover the red disk with the green disks.

play Wombloods
plays 4625 / votes 1


by brezel, 2009/10/9

4-player wombat-deathmatch