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Scenarios tagged: danpost

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play FPS Checker
plays 30410 / votes 4

FPS Checker

by danpost, 2014/1/13

See how many frames per second you are going.

play Scrolling SuperWorld
plays 27462 / votes 38

Scrolling SuperWorld

by danpost, 2012/11/20

A super-class for a scrolling world; fully documented and very easy to use.

play Progress bar/Health bar class
plays 23100 / votes 25

Progress bar/Health bar class

by danpost, 2012/2/5

Re-usable Bar class for a health bar, progress meter, or other quantitative measurement

play L Game
plays 14690 / votes 1

L Game

by danpost, 2019/11/25

Strategic 2P game.

play ChessWorld
plays 14554 / votes 10


by danpost, 2011/5/7

Learn and Play Chess or Kapture-Chess (an interesting variation).

play MouseForce
plays 14495 / votes 34


by danpost, 2013/9/7

Move the mouse around and be amazed.

play Menu Demo
plays 14125 / votes 8

Menu Demo

by danpost, 2012/6/18

A dual class menu and button demo. A Menu class with a Button class that creates both Button and Text objects.

play The Maze Factory
plays 13571 / votes 22

The Maze Factory

by danpost, 2012/3/25

Random mazes of various sizes.

play Value Display Tutorial
plays 12131 / votes 12

Value Display Tutorial

by danpost, 2015/9/2

Tutorial showing how a value can be displayed