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danpost presents ...


Password Protection Class

The main inclusion to this project is the Pass world class which controls passage to specified worlds within the project. This is useful in blocking others from accessing areas of your scenario you do not want others to be in. Pressing 'escape' from the main world (which acts like a terminal) will cause a Pass world object to activate, only to return to the main world when the correct password is entered. This is useful for when you are working with sensitive material and want to leave your computer without shutting down the program; or for when the sceenario is first started to restrict access to the project at all.
Pressing the 'enter' key will send you to an Option world object that requires the user to make a choicee and pass the choice back to the calling world. However, I placed a restriction on who can make that choice by creating a Pass object which allows access to the Option world if the password is entered correctly.

So, this project contains the Pass support class for security; a terminal demo; and an option-making demo.

Make use of whatever, whenever; just give credit when due.

3398 views / 17 in the last 7 days

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Tags: demo with-source danpost support terminal password options protection security

This scenario is a member of: Support Classes by danpost

open in greenfoot
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OK you totally got this idea from my discussion post! :P


@Entity1037, you asked for it, you got it. Well, it is not exactly what you asked for -- no fading, no totally black screen, etc. But, those can still be implemented. I had something like this in mind for a while now and just never got around to doing it. I side-stepped the idea when I created the code for banning specific users in my Private Messaging scenario where I just go to a new world giving a 'banned' message and stop the scenario. Well, that is when it crossed my mind.


Well alright. Thank you!!!
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Oct 01 19:39:14 UTC 2013 Changed scenario icon and size and look of Pass world. You can now add a custon text message to the security screen. Made password maximum length adjustable.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Oct 02 00:18:32 UTC 2013 Re-uploading to adjust screen size on site.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2020-10-30 11:03:34 UTC

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