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chiefnoah presents ...



Classic style top-down space shooter with power ups!!!

**W A S D keys or the arrow keys to control your ship

**SPACE to fire

*RED power ups=15 ammo to shoot 3 missiles at a time (Tri-Shot)

*YELLOW power ups are 1+ lives

*GREEN power ups give you a laser beam instead of a missile. The lasers don't get destroyed when they hit an object (UFO, Asteroid, SuperUFO, etc.)

*BLUE gives you a shield power up. Each shield can take 1 hit from an enemy or asteroid. You can stack shields (have multiple shields at once).

*Asteroids have the same chance of dropping a power up as UFOs and should not be destroyed by lasers, but because of a bug I need to fix, they act just like missiles when hit by a laser, I might decide to leave it at this.

*When asteroids are destroyed, they (should) release 3 smaller asteroids in random directions that can be destroyed by lasers

*More bug fixes and other stuff coming soon. Leave a message for any ideas or suggestions.

6866 views / 17 in the last 7 days

11 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: space game shooter with-source

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat May 26 02:19:30 UTC 2012 *fixes the the dropbox cause error that continuously reloads world 2


The Motherships and the rocks overlay the game over label and the highscore label


Ok, I will fix that. Thanks for pointing that out.


Ok, I will fix that. Thanks for pointing that out.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat May 26 21:44:07 UTC 2012 *fixed object paint order


I have officially suspended development on this game. I may have one more update in store for it, which will include music.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Aug 28 05:12:56 UTC 2012 *ADDED ORIGINAL MUSIC BY DJ BRONZ!!! *Changed the shield image (now has crappy animations) *Minor bug fixes (maybe none) *Probably last update... :(
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Aug 30 18:42:06 UTC 2012 *RESTARTING DEVELOPMENT!!! (cause I was too lazy before) *Getting uploaded to Steam Greenlight PLEASE VOTE FOR IT! *Changed asteroid texture (actually in last update) *Some other stuff I can't remember... *Added a line to the about box ("Click to close") so people don't think you can't close the box
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Nov 13 15:23:01 UTC 2013 Changed the sizes of stars based on their speed (adds futher illusion of depth).


yo brother you should like update this game more because it's cool and stuff

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