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This needs some noise and explosions now!


Nice start - some levels, a score, perhaps different types of submarines would also be good!
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Oct 18 07:38:11 UTC 2008
Finn KerrFinn Kerr


Thanks for the awesome ideas guys. I've already begun implementing some of them and definitely planning for all of them.


The ammo counter and sound is good. How about making more subs appear over time? And then it could get more difficult by subs coming in more frequently...
Finn KerrFinn Kerr


Hm... I haven't thought of that. I was going to implement the levels with individually set up levels, but your idea of continuous leveling sounds much cooler and much more challenging ^^, Thanks for the idea delmar
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Oct 18 22:38:18 UTC 2008
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Oct 18 22:38:51 UTC 2008
Finn KerrFinn Kerr


Can you guys tell me how far you guys get in levels? I've tried making it as balanced as I can but I never tested past level 3 so that's uncharted territory XD Tell me if you find the end of the world. Also, any more suggestions? I still have to make the multiple submarine types, add more sounds, implement a constantly-changing background picture, and fix the Reset bug (you have to refresh the page if you want to reset the game >< ), but I feel like there's so much more that can be done...


Very nice! I got to level 7. Starts getting real fun there. The new submarines coming is very good, it also increases in difficulty quite well. I like the different speeds for the ship, too.


Are you using static fields for the ammo/level/score and the ships? That's not good - you cannot reset the game this way. After playing once, you cannot play again...


good job, keep it up!