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I wrote a text for class about how to visualize certain data. The text has a math part and an informatics part. Here you can view my (kind off) finished Simulation for the informatics part.
To start the simulation simply add predator and prey to the World, by calling the Worlds randomTiere(int int)-Method. Enter the amount of predators ("anzahlRäuber") and amount of prey ("anzahlBeute"), weird titles I know, but Im from Germany :)
I recommend an even splitted amount like 20-20 for starters, but feel free to experiment.
After adding predators and prey, click Run and enjoy.
For context:
-Both predator and prey move mostly random.
-Predators will chase prey as long as they are in a certain radius.
-if two instances of prey overlap nothing happens
-if predator and prey overlap, the prey will be eaten and the predator reproduces
-if two predators overlap they will fight and both will die
-prey will reproduce randomly over time
Feedback would be amazing, but not really needed, since I probably gave the project to both my teachers, when it reaches me anyway. Still thanks to anybody for their efforts :)
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