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This was inspired by 'JerooFoot + HugWall-AI v1.0' by Diljot at 'http://www.greenfoot.org/scenarios/13527'.
The project has two modes -- a build mode, where you can create your own maps and add actors to the jeroo world; and a testing mode, where you can watch the behavior of 'jeroo' (the main actor in the jeroo world). Edit the 'go' method in the Jeroo class to change its behavior.
Use the 'Test/Build' switch to alternate between the two modes.
BUILD mode:
The center control is used to select the current image to work with. The first three, 'barrier', 'grass' and 'water', are cell backgrounds. The next three, 'jeroo', 'net' and 'flower', are actors within the world. The last two, 'control' and 'pauser', change the active state of the jeroo world.
The "escape" key has been implemented to toggle back and forth between build mode and an actual map running of a specific map so you can see how it would actually look like.
PLEASE NOTE: a 'control' object must be placed into the jeroo world so that you can click on it to set the jeroo world active (the initial state of the jeroo world is 'not active').
Clicking on cells and actors in the jeroo world while in BUILD mode will either change the cell background image or add, move, rotate and remove actors depending on the selected image.
TEST mode:
While in this mode, you can click on the 'control' actor to toggle the active state of the jeroo world.
Click the 'Reset' button to revert to the original state of the map.
Click the 'DumpData' button to produce code that can be placed in the Map class to add or change the maps stored there in the arrays.
Click the left or right arrows on the map control while in BUILD mode to iterate though the maps currently stored in the Map class (currently there are two maps).
Good luck and have fun.
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