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Much Tower Defense

Much Tower Defence (v11)

Comments And Likes Appreciated!
Game Includes: 2 Different Maps, Several Towers, Increasing Waves, Money System And Life System!
Spamming "Next Wave" Button can cause lag!

14064 views / 18 in the last 7 days

18 votes | 1 in the last 7 days

Tags: game demo

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed May 21 14:30:21 UTC 2014 Version V1.5 "Mega Update" -Fixed Rocket Gun In "Hard" Map (Again!) -Added Special Unit On "Hard" Map (Hint A Ship) -Changed How Units Turn (They Now Allways Follow The Enemy) -Fixed Money (So It Dosent Go Off Its Image)
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Jun 05 14:09:30 UTC 2014 -No Stackable Units Last Update For Now, Working On New Game! (Hint Zombies)


Cool, but It would be nice to see stats when you hover over a button to buy a tower. Also, while placing a tower, you should see a circle showing their range.


Also, you should setPaintOrder(scoreboard.class); or whatever your scoreboard is so you can place towers under the board and still see the scoreboard.


ahh, id like to make you able to put towers under the score! i wasent exactly sure until your comment, thanks :D


My computer wont let me play in browser, but this game sounds great!


This is great! Lots of fun!


The player should get a bit more money in the hard level. But really cool game!


Try using setPaintOrder(top.class,middle.class,bottom.class); this lets you choose which classes gets placed on top of other classes in order. Also I noticed that the game is nearly impossible in the beginning but becomes extremely easy as the game goes on. I lost 8 lives in the first wave and 1 in the second. I used the $1,000 turret but I didn't notice it doing anything. I found the $250 turret is completely ineffective in hard and the $600 turret is the most effective turret in the game. Also by the price of the ship, I thought it would be extremely extremely powerful, but was extremely disappointed by it's power. It takes several ships for them to be as effective as the $600 turret. The $600 turret kills one or more person per hit and just by spamming them can make it impossible for the enemies to even get on the map. (I took a screenshot of my game if your interrested: I still really like this game though.


Really cool strategy, i never tried using them as much as you did! I have developed a new wave system (an actual system, that will progressively get harder (and not "easier") as time goes on. The 1000$ tower does shoot, but the shot is very fast (an eye is barely able to see it), but it is their. Its way faster then any other turret, theirfore somewhat more accurate! I am thinking on revamping the wave system early september (when school starts, as i just make games in school!) And thank you everyone for your support!

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