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Scenarios tagged: super

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play SANIC 3 !!!!!!
plays 1270 / votes 0

SANIC 3 !!!!!!

by Noobopanda, 2021/12/20

this battle will be legendary!!!

play best game
plays 1261 / votes 0

best game

by Filip, 2021/1/4

first game

play Bomberman
plays 8800 / votes 6


by Super_Hippo, 2013/2/1

Find your way through many levels!

play bugs
plays 2239 / votes 0


by Jimbo_Jenkins, 2018/2/22

just a centipede eating flowers

play Carson Wentz vs The Cowboys
plays 2262 / votes 0

Carson Wentz vs The Cowboys

by GoBirds_10, 2017/12/18

play MulletMan
plays 2109 / votes 0


by TastelessMuffin, 2016/5/19

Mulletman is scared!!!!

play Super Jumping Bros
plays 7080 / votes 3

Super Jumping Bros

by Dantuna, 2015/1/9

Mario platform jumping game

play RockSmash! -- Ty's Demo
plays 6682 / votes 1

RockSmash! -- Ty's Demo

by Morran, 2011/12/29

Can You Survive the Rocks?

play SuperJump
plays 2386 / votes 0


by Charlie_ThePussycat, 2014/1/9