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Scenarios tagged: recursion

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play Simple Fractal Recursion
plays 3150 / votes 0

Simple Fractal Recursion

by danpost, 2015/5/14

Animated recursion demo.

play Snakes Food
plays 1533 / votes 0

Snakes Food

by Totiyono83, 2019/9/10

play Snake - Recursive (I think?)
plays 2408 / votes 0

Snake - Recursive (I think?)

by TheGoldenProof, 2018/12/11

Forgot to post this :)

play minesweeper
plays 4377 / votes 0


by tibuurcio, 2016/3/21

simple minesweeper tutorial

play Knight's Tour
plays 3243 / votes 2

Knight's Tour

by steveputz, 2014/3/19

Moves a chess Knight to each square of a chess board

play MagicTurtles
plays 2438 / votes 0


by GreenJ, 2013/11/13

Simple Plotter; Recursive and Multithread Trees

play CelluGen
plays 4363 / votes 1


by Kazekeil, 2012/5/16

Life Sim with randomly generated rulesets.

play Sudoku
plays 4166 / votes 1


by DonaldDuck, 2012/1/30

A simple sudoku generator/solver

play turtleGraphics with Fractals
plays 6875 / votes 1

turtleGraphics with Fractals

by sandtreader, 2011/9/26

Original Turtle graphics scenario (fixed) with fractal trees and snowflakes