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Scenarios tagged: elephant

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play This is the Only Level
plays 35625 / votes 14

This is the Only Level

by DonaldDuck, 2010/12/21

Adventures in singularity.

play This is the Only Level [No Bounce Step Edit]
plays 4706 / votes 4

This is the Only Level [No Bounce Step Edit]

by DonaldDuck, 2011/6/9

But can you beat the stage?

play This is the Only Level Too
plays 9773 / votes 3

This is the Only Level Too

by DonaldDuck, 2011/6/12

Another level!

play Jump!
plays 18606 / votes 40


by SPower, 2012/4/5

Go higher and higher

play EAT ALL THE BAMBOO - Elephant
plays 2980 / votes 0


by jjsGSMST, 2012/11/2

Play as a baby elephant trying to eat.

play 2 player elephant game
plays 2963 / votes 0

2 player elephant game

by jjsGSMST, 2012/11/2

Same as my other elephant game but 2 players!

play Mouse Force 2.0
plays 3638 / votes 2

Mouse Force 2.0

by FlyingRabidUnicornPig, 2013/9/29

"Use the Mouse-Force, Luke!"

play CircusShooter2
plays 2196 / votes 0


by RedBird420, 2016/4/20

Shoot the elephants and make them go away.