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RockClimber101 presents ...


The Grand Spearfishing Adventure

“The Grand Spearfishing Adventure” is not a game for the faint of heart! Taking place in a cave under the ocean, the player controls the spearfisherman who is located on the left side of the screen to start the game. The player can move this actor left, right, up, and down using the arrows on the keyboard. The object of the game is to catch as many fish as you can within the given timeframe whilst avoiding the sharks. While there is no required score to win the game (you just have to simply outlast the timer), scoring is very important to one’s survival and eventual victory. Every time you catch a fish, you will gain 25 points. However, each time a shark hits you, 75 points will be deducted from your score. Also, every time a fish gets by you without being caught and successfully exits the left side of the screen, 25 points will be taken away from your score. Along with the sharks and fish, there are also harmless sea shells floating through as well. Do not be distracted by them, or you risk the chance of failure. Enjoy the game!

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It's a good game, but there is one thing i think should be changed. There are too many sharks and i don't think it's a good idea to make the player to lose points when then miss a fish


The games a little challenging, but it adds to the fun! Good job.
Nice paragraph and game however it is vary challenging


This game is very creative and the paragraph is very helpful! The image is a little disorienting with the borders.


Beautiful game and amazing description!


The borders should be adjusted so that the game is less disorienting however.


Great looking game with a detailed description on what to do.


It is just hard to avoid the sharks which are so fast but overall a fun experience


The game can be real tough with how fast the sharks move, but overall its a good time.


May want to edit the borders so that the transition isn't so jaggy.

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