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betoml007 presents ...


Penguin Love

Obout Gameplay:
The game objective it's simple, you must get together the penguin couple at the top of the scenario where the heart lies.
Clean your way of any peril through the maze, and reach the heart at the same time!

Arrow Keys : Move the Penguins
Space Key: Throw a Snow ball

UPDATES: (+ Add:Working, - Not working/implemented yet)
+The scenario, and penguins images has been created
+Scenario Size changed to 800x600
+Arrow Keys use implemented
+Characters "Mirror" move implemented
+Boundaries fixed
+Class Block (Ice Cubes, others) added
+Ice Cubes blocks the movement
+Sounds added
-Background Music (Size Conflicts)
+Ice collision sound, crashing against an ice cube
+Spider web prototype (Red square)
+Spider web, blocks the movement in any direction
+Penguins can destroy the spider web (Key space)
-> Stand beside the web and press space key (only left side for now)
+Scenario resized
+Background music fixed
+New Class Stage implemented
+Level 1 implemented
+SpiderWeb implemented
+Ammo class implemented
+Snow Ball:Ammo added
->Snow Balls can be throwed in any direction (Depending where the penguin face)
->Snow Balls now can destroy the spider webs
->Snow balls Can't be throwing while "catch" mode is on
+New Images added
+Penguin pink animated
-Penguin blue not animated
+Class Goal added, contains the Heart implementation
+Class Mobs added, contains Spiders implementation
-Class Stage delete, levels implemented at SnowWorld class
+Spiders AI implemented
+Spiders can't cross trought ice blocks
-Spiders not kill penguins
-Penguins not kill spiders
+New Level prototype
+AutoChange level when reachs heart
-No reset peguin positions and mobs yet
+New animated images
+Spiders can kill the penguins and randomly drops webs (10% chance)
+Snow balls now can kill spiders
+When a penguin die, the current level auto restart
+Reset all Objects positions on dead or reaching new levels
+New Class info (Score, lifes, others) created
-Lifes implemented
+New System level implemented
+Main menu implemented
+Button Class created
+Lifes implemeted
+Discount lifes and reset level when both penguins catched fixed
+Score implemented
-Some troubles with background music at GameOver
+Time counter implemented
+About and Help
+New class Items Implemented
+Each item implemented
+Items Dissapear after 10 secs
+Items Randomly apper on stage
+Sound for items implemented
+Score tablet implemented
->at Gameover screen and the end of game
-Background music bug
-In progress 3 more levels
+2 new worlds added and 6 new levels
+New obstacles in each world
+One new mob in the forest world
============FINAL VERSION COMPLETED v1.0==========================
For testing purposes, all the leves can be loaded with the numbers (1-9)
Enjoy the game!!

All documentation included

5496 views / 20 in the last 7 days

2 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: with-source uaslp

open in greenfoot
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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Jul 31 00:42:49 UTC 2010
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Aug 01 00:43:31 UTC 2010
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Aug 02 00:23:40 UTC 2010
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Aug 02 18:04:28 UTC 2010
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Aug 02 21:07:51 UTC 2010


nice job with the graphics... the soundtrack it's from banjo-kazooie isn't it? =)


thanks a lot, and yes I took it from the soundtrack of banjo-kazooie game :P


thanks a lot, and yes I took it from the soundtrack of banjo-kazooie game :P
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Aug 10 23:14:01 UTC 2010


Te quedo chido el juego

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