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bourne's Comments

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Nice. Good sound effects and feel to the game. But I agree with darkmist255, there's some great potential here to add maybe survival during the night based on what room you choose.
A good start. And awesome loading screen! XD Definitely interested in seeing more
Okay so was there a blank you can place? And then it would probably be good in the editor to distinguish between them. And yes I know how to copy. I'm just saying the clipboard from the jpane seems to be a different context than elsewhere. I've ran into it before and I don't know what to think about it. I try to keep to printing out to the console.
Yes it was helpful. It would be nice if the help text was not behind the items placed in the level. I am a little confused about the Invisible force field, - is it different from a blank space? Also I don't know if it is just my computer, but it seems copying from a jpane doesn't actually put it into the clipboard.
I like the level editor, though is difficult with the limited navigating.


Paint splatters? Or maybe monkey in a barrel monkeys =)
Hey I was able to leave the testing room before the earthquake and such and I was locked in the dark hallway. And when you first go down the stairs, I believe the floor graphic didn't change to that of stairs till i had gone down the first. Looks good! =D
Looks good. I like the stepping through process. I implemented the A* algorithm here and have used it for a few of my games. But I like how your program steps and displays what's going on, though it is difficult to make out the numbers.
And has it been mentioned that theres a bug if you beat the doctor to the elevator? - You'll leave the doctor behind. And the gate is the one just after talking to the guy on the mic the 2nd time and you hit the computer and the light goes out - I believe I hit the computer without going behind the desk which I now see would trap you in there keeping you from being near the gate closing off the hallway you had come from