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and also, the game was supposed to give a score at the end, it was working in greenfoot but here and in the .jar file it's not


if anyone can please help me and tell me how to get the boy to slow down when he eats a pizza. this is my first time using greenfoot and i have to deliver this game by the end of this week :/ i tried overriding move(), i used this : public void move(int speed) { double angle = Math.toRadians( getRotation() ); int x = (int) Math.round(getX() + Math.cos(angle) * speed); int y = (int) Math.round(getY() + Math.sin(angle) * speed); setLocation(x, y); } and i set speed to be 2.0, but it is still going at the same speed, i'd really appreciate it if someone can help me out