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solo1512's Comments

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It has to be the quotes for Chapter 16 to chapter 21 I think.
Juwan, its Rene! I need a quote for the Western Lit homework! Give me the quotes on the site for my tank game!
It will make it harder for the people to concentrate. It'll surprise them. Check out JayWood860's game "Homer and Stewie" it changes background.


Please leave Comments! Tell me what I should fix and enhance!
Fix that bug cuz when it goes into the upper righthand corner it pauses the application!
Have the rocks kill nyan cat. public void killNyanCat(Class clss) Actor actor = getOneObjectAtOffset(0,0,clss); if(actor != null) { getWorld().removeObject(actor); } this is the method signature: killNyanCat(NyanCat.class);
Have the background change pictures after a specific interval of points.
Juwan, it's Rene! Check out my game plz, I need views! Tell your other cyber buddies to play too!