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Also, i noticed that you are adding many instances of ground. My suggestion would be to take it into GIMP or even paint and combine all the images into one.
Hey, mjrb4. I tried this in his approachWall() method and got the same result. public boolean approachWall() { int widthOffset = (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("left") ? -1 :1)*getImage().getWidth()/2; for (int i=-15; i<15; i++) { boolean result = getOneObjectAtOffset(widthOffset, i, Ground.class) !=null; result = cake; if (poop = result) { return true; } else { return false; } } return cake; } Why is this?
Your approachWall() method doesn't work correctly. It always returns false no matter where samus is. Try writing this method with an if-else statement, and see what you get.
I could probably help you if your indentation wasn't so weird lol...look up standard loop/method structure and re-submit the scenario once you've fixed it.
The health shouldn't go down unless the player itself is hit by a zombie.
I don't think he knows who you are lol...
Did you make the character model yourself?
Making animations is tedious. I would have, but my instructor wanted my game turned in by the end of the week.
Yeah i know how to do that, but what I was wondering was if there was a way to combine them through windows XP. Turns out there's not and the only way to do so is to reformat...So, that's what I've been doing for the past 3 or so hours. BTW, they built that feature into Vista, yet they won't update XP to include it... 832 :P