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Kartoffelbrot's Comments

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Why has this scenario so much likes? Only because of funny music and sounds?
Ok thanks. Have to make it again.
I have made one. Is it anywhere?
That could become a nice game!
Like it, too. I´ts funny how the angel is following.
Thanks for nice comments. I will implement the other objects, which exist already, like flamethrower, in the next levels. @ Game/maniac : I can send you a jar file if you want to try.
I thinks, that isn't possible because the whole scenario stops. But maye you could implement a boolean variable called break. If the player loses it would be true. And all act-methods of all classes, EXCEPT the time-counter will only work if break==false. So if it is true nothing will happen. I made it this way in my game.
Collected all -> GAME OVER :(
I think the player is too slow. The rest is only Copy&Paste from Mik's tutorial.