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Okay level list here we go: Level one: Basic caterpillar Level two: speed boost Level three: Immunity to the peoples attacks Level four: Ability to kill the people by moving into them Level five: ability to spit poison Level six: immunity to the car: Level seven: you can kill the car by touching it Level eight: your poison blasts can kill the car Level nine: you shoot poison in four directions Level ten: first level of butterfly Level eleven: speed boost Level twelve: you shoot poison in eight directions Level thirteen: twister ability: makes all enemis except skulls start spinning on the spot. Skulls slow down Level fourteen: No upgrades just a lot of skulls. The final level.
First things first: Kartoffelbrot, first level of butterfly is level 10 KevinWelch2001: You died on level Eleven. My next post will include levels and their evolutions. Oh, and by the way, what is a Kartoffelbrot, if it is anything?
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.................I kinda forgot about that. I was just trying to get more people to play my scenario. I know, I know, it's cheating but it is rather hard (at least for me) and I never anticipated anyone asking about it. I have been known to say things and never follow through on them. I never actually had a reward planned out. I guess the reward is completing a game that it's creator can't complete. I play this game a lot to. So, sorry if I got your hopes up, sorry if you did actually make it to the final level. I apologise. As compensation, I will like all your scenarios.
I can't quite remember just how many levels but it's either 14 or 15.
oh, and you can walk through the elevator buttons when the door is open.
One thing that I think might be a glitch: If you to the map edit screen and switch floors in the elevator, the elevator goes to the floor you are on and you are trapped in the elevator. Is that deliberate?
Help me! I'm being stalked by a 2D image of Yoshi! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
More challenging. More challenging. I am unable to get past the level with the two enemy tanks due to the fact the aiming isn't that good. So, Kartoffelbrot, please make it a teensy bit more accurate. P.S. Sorry if I sound a bit rude, I'm annoyed at the moment. There are idiots in my computing class. QoS! (That's Klingon for "sorry") The DoctorProfessor is out!