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422, isn't that hard but I didn't pay much attention so I went straight into that shark xD
You could make endless directions. The animal class in the Little Crab game from the book has a "move" method with makes the actor move in the direction which it faces right now.
I have a little suggestion: It will be good if the lobster would go in the direction you turned. In your game are only 8 directions possible which makes it hard to play.


The game stopped, did I win? XP : 139/140 Life: 663 Nice game! Quite easy though, maybe you could add a shooting ninja.
To make it clear... the key on your piano, not the keyboard from the computer =/
The key on the left side is called c, probably c'. Not the key on the keyboard.
I only see background, forgot to place the actor?
I can only play c, f, g and a. All others stop the game.
In the counter, I changed the the top from private to public static int value = 0; public static int target = 0; Then i made all the animals that are relevant to the counter as subclasses of the counter. I just need to use add(x) to add x to the counter. I did not understand how to do it without using subclasses.