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Create a 3D cube
By Advenging, with 5 replies.
Last reply by poink, over 13 years ago:
Yeah well, time tells in time you know. Just don't be surprised if you get responses here while the relativity of your post might not be of any importance for you anymore (but in one way or another, might be for others).
Greenfoot can not represent alphanumeric text correctly!
By dothebone, with 4 replies.
Last reply by mjrb4, over 13 years ago:
Davin beat me to it - but I get exactly the same result on my machine, so definitely looks like a bug that's since been fixed.
Lag problems on Linux
By ofenerci, with 2 replies.
Last reply by ofenerci, over 13 years ago:
Hi Davin, My computer has a 2Gb ram and a shared intel gm965 video adapter. I don't know this problem is specific to video adapter or not. Thanks, Ozhan
Touching other Objects
By K_O_P, with 9 replies.
Last reply by K_O_P, over 13 years ago:
Busch! you're really a genius! :D Thank you very very much! :D
By Valera, with 2 replies.
Last reply by Valera, over 13 years ago:
Solving Arithmetical Problem
By K_O_P, with 2 replies.
Last reply by K_O_P, over 13 years ago:
How to take the square root. And the solution was: Math.sqrt(Number);
Gallery Updated
By nccb, with 1 reply.
Replied to by kiarocks, over 13 years ago:
<Code Omitted>
Please help
By Slinger, with 5 replies.
Last reply by Slinger, over 13 years ago:
Where should i put it?
nvm i figured it out :D thank you!
need help!!!(im new,started day ago)
By BIG-red-BUTTON, with 2 replies.
Last reply by BIG-red-BUTTON, over 13 years ago:
it works,thanks
Modeling and Simulation with Greenfoot
By zent76, with 4 replies.
Last reply by zent76, over 13 years ago:
Hello davmac, That was very clear! Thank you so much! Regards, Zent
I can't comple scenarios that use Midi
By AwesomeNameGuy, with 4 replies.
Last reply by AwesomeNameGuy, over 13 years ago:
Yeah, I didn't think it would end up so large, but it just kept getting bigger. I put a lot of effort into it because I wanted to try to increase my skill, with the ultimate goal of getting a job writing code somewhere, that would be pretty cool. I know the code in that isn't very readable, fixing that bug wouldn't be that difficult because I know how the program works, (it would be really hard if I didn't) but finishing the AI just feelt daunting so I decided to take a little break and do other things for a little while.
Math Help
By Busch2207, with 2 replies.
Last reply by Busch2207, over 13 years ago:
Ahh! ok thank you very much! I have no idea why I've overlooked that method. x)
How to make images have priority?
By Sirtuck, with 5 replies.
Last reply by Sirtuck, over 13 years ago:
That did work, thanks again!
Detecting if Scenario is an Application or Applet
By edparrish, with 2 replies.
Last reply by edparrish, over 13 years ago:
Thanks davmac! That worked perfectly. Regards, Ed Parrish
double from String
By Busch2207, with 3 replies.
Last reply by Busch2207, over 13 years ago:
xD Ok. Thank you very much! :) That's much shorter than my solution. x)