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Greenfoot back
MrCohen wrote ...


If you have multiple Worlds...

MrCohen MrCohen


... How do you specify which World to load first? For example, I have a scenario that has a "WorldMap" World as well as an "TitlePage" World. I created the WorldMap first, and so it seems to default to opening that World first. I can setWorld() to the TitlePage World, but I figured there must be a cleaner way to have it just start the game in the TitlePage World. Any ideas?
nccb nccb


Greenfoot creates the world which is the last one that you manually created, as long as it has a no-argument constructor. So if you right-click on TitlePage world, and select "new TitlePage()", that will be the one that it starts from in future (assuming you don't manually create a WorldMap world in the mean-time). This choice also carries on to the website when you export.
MrCohen MrCohen


Thank you that answered my question perfectly :)
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