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xnefoo wrote ...


Bluej 12 Hour Clock Help

erdelf erdelf


not quite sure, but replace the method setValue with this, i think it works
    public void setValue(int replacementValue){  
            value = replacementValue;  
         }  else if(replacementValue > limit) {
            value = replacementValue - 12;
xnefoo xnefoo


Ok I did what erdelf said but now when i set 11:59AM and advance the time by one minute. it turns into 12:00 AM not 12:00 PM. And 24:00 to 12:00PM I believe it has something to do with this.
        if (hour > 11)
            timeZone = 2;
danpost danpost


I figured out your main problem. Your NumberDisplay limit for hours is set to 12 -- set it to 24 so you know AM from PM. Get rid of the 'timeZone' field and use 'if (hours.getValue() < 12)' in your updateDisplay method. Also, add another method for 'getMinuteDisplay' like you have for 'getHourDisplay' (it just needs to return the two digit String of 'minutes.getValue()'); then get rid of the 'getDisplayString' method from your NumberDisplay class.
xnefoo xnefoo


danpost wrote...
I figured out your main problem. Your NumberDisplay limit for hours is set to 12 -- set it to 24 so you know AM from PM. Get rid of the 'timeZone' field and use 'if (hours.getValue() < 12)' in your updateDisplay method. Also, add another method for 'getMinuteDisplay' like you have for 'getHourDisplay' (it just needs to return the two digit String of 'minutes.getValue()'); then get rid of the 'getDisplayString' method from your NumberDisplay class.
When i get rid of the getDisplayString nothing compiles.
danpost danpost


What error are you getting and what code is it highlighting? Give some context of where that line of code is located.
xnefoo xnefoo


Actually nevermind I found out what was wrong. But when i input 23:59 it gives me 11:59AM not 11:59PM Here is my updated code:
 * Write a description of class TwelveHourClock here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class TwelveHourClock
    public NumberDisplay hours;
    public NumberDisplay minutes;
    public String displayString;
    private int timeZone = 1;

    public TwelveHourClock()
        hours = new NumberDisplay(24);
        minutes = new NumberDisplay(60); 

    public TwelveHourClock(int hour, int minute){
        hours = new NumberDisplay(12);
        minutes = new NumberDisplay(60);
        setTime(hour, minute);

    private void updateDisplay(){
        if((hours.getValue() < 12)){
            displayString = getHourDisplay()+":"+getMinuteDisplay() + " AM";   
        else if((hours.getValue() > 12)){
            displayString = getHourDisplay()+":"+getMinuteDisplay() + " PM";

    public String getHourDisplay(){
        int value = (hours.getValue()%12+11)%12+1;
        if(String.valueOf(value).length() == 1){
            return "0"+value;
        return value+"";

    public String getMinuteDisplay()
        int value = (minutes.getValue());
        if(String.valueOf(value).length() == 1){
            return "0"+value;
        return value+"";

    public void timeTick(){
        if(minutes.getValue() == 59){
            timeZone = 2;
            if(hours.getValue() >= 11)
                timeZone = 1;


    public void setTime(int hour, int minute){
        if (hour > 11)
            timeZone = 2;
        if (hour == 24)
            timeZone = 1;
        if(hour == 11)
            timeZone = 1;

    public String getTime(){
        return displayString;
danpost danpost


Change line 31 to:
else {
The condition-else-condition is missing 12 as a possibility for 'hours.getValue()'. There should be no need for the 'timeZone' field any longer. All code dealing with it can be removed.
xnefoo xnefoo


Ok I changed it to else but i still get the same problem
danpost danpost


Ok. Remove lines 69 through 80. Remove lines 56 through 60. Remove line 12. Change lines 16 through 18 to
this(12, 0);
Change line 22 to:
hours = new NumberDisplay(24);
Then if you still have a problem, show what you tried and explain what was wrong.
xnefoo xnefoo


Wait Actually I figured out the problem. Thanks Dan!
danpost danpost


Alright. Explain what the problem was and show the final code for the class (so others can learn from it).
danpost danpost


Ok. I will post what I ended up with:
public class TwelveHourClock
    public RollingCounter hours;
    public RollingCounter minutes;
    public String displayString;

    public TwelveHourClock()

    public TwelveHourClock(int hour, int minute){
        hours = new RollingCounter(24);
        minutes = new RollingCounter(60);
        setTime(hour, minute);

    private void updateDisplay()
        displayString = getHourDisplay()+":"+getMinuteDisplay();
        displayString += hours.getValue() < 12 ? " AM" : " PM";

    public String getHourDisplay()
        int value = (hours.getValue()%12+11)%12+1;
        return ((""+value).length() == 1 ? "0" : "")+value;
    public String getMinuteDisplay()
        int value = minutes.getValue();
        return ((""+value).length() == 1 ? "0" : "")+value;

    public void timeTick()
        if(minutes.getValue() == 59) hours.increment();

    public void setTime(int hour, int minute)

    public String getTime()
        return displayString;

    private class RollingCounter
        private int value;
        private int limit;
        private RollingCounter(int rollOverLimit)
            limit = rollOverLimit;
        public int getValue()
            return value;
        public void setValue(int replacementValue)
            if (0 <= replacementValue && replacementValue < limit) value = replacementValue;
        public void increment()
            value = (value+1)%limit;
xnefoo xnefoo


Yes that code is what I got also.
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