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xnefoo wrote ...


Bluej 12 Hour Clock Help

xnefoo xnefoo


I have converted a 24 Hour Clock to the 12 hour clock. But for some reason when I put in 0:30 in it outputs it as 1:30am (Supposed to go to 12:30am) And when i put in 12:30 it goes to 1:30AM (Supposed to go to 12:30PM). Can anyone help me with my problem? Thanks!
 * Write a description of class TwelveHourClock here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class TwelveHourClock
    public NumberDisplay hours;
    public NumberDisplay minutes;
    public String displayString;
    private int timeZone = 1;

    public TwelveHourClock()
        hours = new NumberDisplay(12);
        minutes = new NumberDisplay(60); 

    public TwelveHourClock(int hour, int minute){
        hours = new NumberDisplay(12);
        minutes = new NumberDisplay(60);
        setTime(hour, minute);

    private void updateDisplay(){
        if(timeZone == 1){
            displayString = getHourDisplay()+":"+minutes.getDisplayString() + " AM";   
        else if(timeZone == 2){
            displayString = getHourDisplay()+":"+minutes.getDisplayString() + " PM";

    public String getHourDisplay(){
        int value = hours.getValue()+1;
        if(String.valueOf(value).length() == 1){
            return "0"+value;
        return value+"";

    public void timeTick(){
        if(minutes.getValue() == 59){

    public void setTime(int hour, int minute){

    public String getTime(){
        return displayString;
danpost danpost


Without the NumberDisplay class code, it would be difficult to determine the problem. Also, if this is to be a 12-hour clock the 'AM/PM' part can be eliminated and there is no need for the 'timeZone' field.
danpost danpost


I am not sure, but maybe line 37 should be:
int value = (hours.getValue()+11)%12+1;
This will change the value of zero to twelve and not alter any other value.
xnefoo xnefoo


The number display class.
 * Write a description of class NumberDisplay here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class NumberDisplay
    public int value;
    public int limit;
     * Constructor for objects of class NumberDisplay
    public NumberDisplay(int rollOverLimit)
        value = 0;
        limit = rollOverLimit;
    public int getValue(){
        return value;
    public void setValue(int replacementValue){
            value = replacementValue;
    public String getDisplayString(){
        if(String.valueOf(value).length() == 1){
            return "0"+value;
        return value+"";
    public void increment(){
        value = (value+1)%limit;
xnefoo xnefoo


Also I the 12 hour clock is supposed to do this: For example. It takes the input for 14 and turns it into 2pm. Or 2 would be 2AM. So i don't think removing the timezone would help.
danpost danpost


I think the problem is what I stated in my second post above.
danpost danpost


xnefoo wrote...
Also I the 12 hour clock is supposed to do this: For example. It takes the input for 14 and turns it into 2pm. Or 2 would be 2AM. So i don't think removing the timezone would help.
Ok. I see what you are doing. My bad!
xnefoo xnefoo


        if (hour > 12)
            timeZone = 2;
Ok that solves my AM problem but any number above twelve defualts to 12. I also made the change that you posted. And made another one myself beginning at line 21.
danpost danpost


danpost wrote...
I am not sure, but maybe line 37 should be:
int value = (hours.getValue()+11)%12+1;
This will change the value of zero to twelve and not alter any other value.
I guess I should have qualified this at 'any other value below twelve. Try this:
int value = (hours.getValue()%12+11)%12+1;
xnefoo xnefoo


Thanks but, that doesn't seem to work.
danpost danpost


xnefoo wrote...
Thanks but, that doesn't seem to work.
How is it not working?
danpost danpost


xnefoo wrote...
if (hour > 12)
    timeZone = 2;
Should not the condition be 'if (hour > 11)'? or just say 'timeZone = hour/12+1;'.
xnefoo xnefoo


danpost wrote...
xnefoo wrote...
Thanks but, that doesn't seem to work.
How is it not working?
When i input 14:30 it goes to 12:30PM not 2:30PM
danpost danpost


danpost wrote...
Try this:
int value = (hours.getValue()%12+11)%12+1;
This should work. Did you not notice the slight difference from the original statement?
xnefoo xnefoo


Ok I switched it to that and hour > 11. But when it still gives me 12:30PM when i put in 14:30
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