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S_Felix wrote ...


Actor sets variable of a world he is not in

danpost danpost


This class looks good. Are you sure the error is pointing to this class?
S_Felix S_Felix


No. It is not like a normal error that appears in the bottom line of the classes window. Instead it is in it's own window, a small one that exactly says: It was not possible to instantiate a new world. The reason for this is usually that the world does not have a public default constructor (a constructor that takes no parameters) or that the world is not a public class. I've checked all the worlds but nothing was private, so I guess it is the "no parameters"
danpost danpost


Try right-clicking on the Game icon (under the 'Share' button) and selecting 'new Game()'.
S_Felix S_Felix


Oh I've already found out why. I just had to do the same thing with 2 constructors for the welt class. But anyway thank you for helping me :)
danpost danpost


Actually, you do not need both constructors in the 'welt' class; just the one that begins with 'public welt(int img)'. You need to right-click on the Game icon and select 'new Game()' to make that the starting world.
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