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verstruGGelt wrote ...


Problem: after scenario was restarted score does not reset

verstruGGelt verstruGGelt


Like I already mentioned: my score does not reset after restartingmy scenario. But if I restart the whole program it does reset the score. Has anyone experienced something like that before? The same applies to my live-counter. Im German, so Punkte means score
import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)

public class Punkte  extends World
    static int jml_punkte = 0;
    // Punkteanzeige startet bei 0
    public Punkte()
        super(600, 400, 1); 
Super_Hippo Super_Hippo


Variables which are “static” do not reset when you click on reset. You either have to not make them static or initialize them when the initial world is initiated.
verstruGGelt verstruGGelt


Super_Hippo wrote...
initialize them when the initial world is initiated.
What do you mean by that? Im very unexperienced, sorry.
Super_Hippo Super_Hippo


Add this in line 11:
jml_punkte = 0;
So when a Punkte World is created (when you reset your scenario), the variable is set back to 0.
verstruGGelt verstruGGelt


Thanks for your time. I figured it out by myself, but appreciate your help
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