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Greenfoot back
31n5t31nn wrote ...



31n5t31nn 31n5t31nn


Hello , I'm new to programming and especially greenfoot , i don't really know how to create and animate a text to be more specific im trying to create a "Select champion" text at the start of thee game.All help is appreciated!
RcCookie RcCookie


Creating animations is very difficult in Greenfoot because you have to do all scaling, drawing and updating manually. But for a simple button you could use something like this:
public class Button extends Actor {
    public Button() {
        // 0000 for transparent background
        setImage(new GreenfootImage("Select champion", 24, Color.RED, new Color(0,0,0,0)));

    public void act() {
        if(Greenfoot.mouseClicked(this)) onClick();

    private void onClick() {
        // Your code here
If you need more than one button you may want to use abstract classes or lambdas to generify the action and title of the button.
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