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Ac951 wrote ...


need help with my scoreboard

Ac951 Ac951


cant get my scoreboard to reset the original score Lobster class public class Lobstrosity extends Actor { /** * Act - do whatever the Lostrosity wants to do. This method is called whenever * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment. */ public void act() { MyWorld ownWorld = (MyWorld) getWorld(); ScoreBoard score = ownWorld.getScoreBoard(); setRotation(90); move(1); if (isAtEdge()) { getWorld().addObject(new Lobstrosity(),Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(800)+1, Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(240)+40); setLocation(Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(800)+1, Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(240)+40); ((MyWorld)getWorld()).getScoreBoard().incScore(1); if(score.getScore() > score.getHighScore()) { ((MyWorld)getWorld()).getScoreBoard(); score.setHighScore(score.getScore()); } } if (isTouching(Shelter.class)==true) { ((Shelter)getOneIntersectingObject(Shelter.class)).reduceStrength(); getWorld().removeObject(this); } } } scoreboard class public class ScoreBoard extends Actor { private int gameScore; // current game score private int highScore; // high score so far private int sheltersLeft; // number of shelters left private int bombsLeft; // number of bombs left // "global" representing the height (bottom to top) of a // ScoreBoard public static final int SCOREBOARD_HEIGHT = 25; /** * Constructor for ScoreBoard to build starting scoreboard. */ public ScoreBoard() { gameScore=0; // no game started yet, so score is 0 highScore=0; // no game started yet, so high score is 0 bombsLeft=10; // no game started yet, so all bombs available sheltersLeft=3; // no game started yet, so all shelters available //System.out.println("Scoreboard constructor fired."); } // Greenfoot trick to draw image ater object added to world. protected void addedToWorld(World toWorld) { redraw(); } // redraws scoreboard, updating values displayed as we go // we don't want this called from outside the class, so // it is private in this case. public void redraw() { // needs regular access to world, so store in a variable. MyWorld placedIn = (MyWorld) getWorld(); // check to see if image is valid. If not, rebuild it. GreenfootImage img = getImage(); if (img==null || img.getWidth()!= placedIn.getWidth() || img.getHeight()!=SCOREBOARD_HEIGHT) { img = new GreenfootImage(placedIn.getWidth(), SCOREBOARD_HEIGHT); setImage(img); } //System.out.println("redraw method fired."); // fill image with gray background img.setColor(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); img.fill(); // draw scores, etc. in black img.setColor(Color.BLACK); img.drawString("Score:"+ gameScore, 600, SCOREBOARD_HEIGHT-8); img.drawString("High Score:"+ highScore, 400, SCOREBOARD_HEIGHT-8); // draw in shelter and bomb stats img.drawString("Shelters:"+ sheltersLeft, 100, SCOREBOARD_HEIGHT-8); img.drawString("Bombs:"+ bombsLeft, 300, SCOREBOARD_HEIGHT-8); } /** * incScore - adds something to score * @param byVal - value to add to the score. */ public void incScore(int byVal) { gameScore+=byVal; redraw(); } /** * getScore - returns the current score * @return the current game score */ public int getScore() { return gameScore; } /** * decBombCount - decrease the number of bombs by 1, but only * if there are any bombs left * @return true when there was at least 1 bomb left, * false otherwise */ public boolean decBombCount() { // if there are bombs left if (bombsLeft>0) { bombsLeft--; // reduce bomb count redraw(); // redraw image to see updated bomb count return true; // we succeeded! } return false; // not enough bombs to do this! } /** * decShelterCount - decrease the number of shelters by 1, but * only if there are any shelters left * @return true when there was at least 1 shelter left, * false otherwise */ public boolean decShelterCount() { // if there are shelters left if (sheltersLeft>0) { sheltersLeft--; // now there's one less shelter redraw(); // redraw to reflect change return true; // we had a shelter left! } return false; // no shlters left! } /** * getShelterCount returns how mny shelters are available * * @return the current number of shelters */ public int getShelterCount() { return sheltersLeft; } /** * getHighScore returns the current value of high score * * @return the current high score */ public int getHighScore() { return highScore; } /** * setHighScore gives high score a new value * * @param newScore the intended new value of high score */ public void setHighScore(int newScore) { highScore = newScore; // store the new high score redraw(); // redisplay scoreboard } /** * resetForNewGame resets the scoreboard data for a new game * * note that this does NOT reset high score */ public void resetForNewGame() { // games start with 3 shelters, 10 bombs, and a score of 0 sheltersLeft=3; bombsLeft=10; gameScore=0; redraw(); // redisplay the scoreboard. } }
RcCookie RcCookie


Could you please stop spaming the discussion?!
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