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divinity wrote ...


Problem with an transaction arraylist

divinity divinity


public class Transaction_Account {
    private Date date;
    private double bal;
    private String description;
    char type;
    private double amt;
    double newbal;
    public Transaction_Account(Date date, char type, double bal,  double amt, double newbal, String description){
        = new Date();
        this.type = type;
        this.amt = amt;
        this.newbal= newbal;

    public java.util.Date getDate(){     
        return date;
    public char gettype(){
        return type;
    public double getbal(){
        return bal;
    public String getdescription(){
        return description;
    public double getamt(){
        return amt;
    public double getnewbal(){
        return newbal;
    public void setDate(Date date){;
    public void settype(char type){
    public void setbal(double bal){
    public void setdescription(String description){
    public void setamt(double amt){
        this.amt = amt;
    public void getnewbal(double newbal){
        this.newbal = newbal;
   public String toString(){
       return "\n"+new Date()+" "+ "Type "+ type + " "+ "Account Balance"+ bal +" "+"Description"+description;
public abstract class  Account{
    private String acctnum;
     double bal;
     private String first_name;
     private String last_name;
     private String home_add;
     private String email_add;
     ArrayList <Transaction_Account> trans = new ArrayList <>();
    public Account(String first_name, String last_name, String home_add, String email_add, double bal, String acctnum){
        this.first_name = first_name;
        this.last_name = last_name;
        this.acctnum= acctnum;
        this.bal= bal;
  //setters and getter methods
   //getters methods
    public String getfirst_name(){
        return first_name;
    public String getlast_name(){
        return last_name;
    public String gethome_add(){
        return home_add;
    public String getemail_add(){
        return email_add;
    public String getacctnum(){
        return acctnum;
    public double getbal(){
        return bal;
    public void setfirst_name(String first_name){
        this.first_name = first_name;
    //setters method 
    public void setlast_name(String last_name){
        this.last_name = last_name;
    public void sethome_add(String home_add){
        this.home_add = home_add;
    public void setemail_add(String email_add){
        this.email_add = email_add;
    public void setacctnum(String acctnum){
        this.acctnum= acctnum;
    public void setbal(double bal){
    //end of getters and setters methods
    //toString method
    public String toString(){
        return "Customers details" + this.first_name+" "+this.last_name+" "+this.acctnum+" "+
                this.home_add+" "+" "+this.email_add +" "+this.bal;
    //withdraw methods
    public void withdraw(double total_amt){
        if(total_amt < bal){
            System.out.print("Your transaction has been declined because there is no funds available"+ bal);
           System.out.println("\n "+ "Your current balance is"+this.bal);
        Transaction_Account newtrans = new Transaction_Account(new Date(), "W", this.bal, "Withdrawal made");
divinity divinity


i put it just the way the error say and still getting the error what am i doing wrong here
Gbasire Gbasire


the constructor wants : a Date, and you give a Date, so it's correct a char and you give a String, so it's incorrect (change "W" with 'W' with single quote) a double and you give a double, so it's correct another double and you give nothing, so it's incorrect another double and you give nothing, so it's incorrect a String and you give a String, so it's correct just give 2 more double after the "bal" double and change "W" to 'W'
divinity divinity


ok gbasire here is the correct version at least i would like to think it is
public class Transaction_Account {
    private Date date;
    private double bal;
    private String description;
    char type;
    private double amt;
    double newbal;
    public Transaction_Account(Date date, char type, double bal,  double amt, double newbal, String description){
        = new Date();
        this.type = type;
        this.amt = amt;
        this.newbal= newbal;

    public Date getDate(){     
        return date;
    public char gettype(){
        return type;
    public double getbal(){
        return bal;
    public String getdescription(){
        return description;
    public double getamt(){
        return amt;
    public double getnewbal(){
        return newbal;
    public void setDate(Date date){;
    public void settype(char type){
    public void setbal(double bal){
    public void setdescription(String description){
    public void setamt(double amt){
        this.amt = amt;
    public void getnewbal(double newbal){
        this.newbal = newbal;
   public String toString(){
       return "\n"+new Date()+" "+ "Type "+ type + " "+ "Account Balance"+ bal +" "+"Description"+description;
it did say date, char, double double double string, and when i change "W" to 'W' am getting an unclosed character lateral
public abstract class  Account{
    private String acctnum;
     double bal;
     private String first_name;
     private String last_name;
     private String home_add;
     private String email_add;
     ArrayList <Transaction_Account> trans = new ArrayList <>();
    public Account(String first_name, String last_name, String home_add, String email_add, double bal, String acctnum){
        this.first_name = first_name;
        this.last_name = last_name;
        this.acctnum= acctnum;
        this.bal= bal;
  //setters and getter methods
   //getters methods
    public String getfirst_name(){
        return first_name;
    public String getlast_name(){
        return last_name;
    public String gethome_add(){
        return home_add;
    public String getemail_add(){
        return email_add;
    public String getacctnum(){
        return acctnum;
    public double getbal(){
        return bal;
    public void setfirst_name(String first_name){
        this.first_name = first_name;
    //setters method 
    public void setlast_name(String last_name){
        this.last_name = last_name;
    public void sethome_add(String home_add){
        this.home_add = home_add;
    public void setemail_add(String email_add){
        this.email_add = email_add;
    public void setacctnum(String acctnum){
        this.acctnum= acctnum;
    public void setbal(double bal){
    //end of getters and setters methods
    //toString method
    public String toString(){
        return "Customers details" + this.first_name+" "+this.last_name+" "+this.acctnum+" "+
                this.home_add+" "+" "+this.email_add +" "+this.bal;
    //withdraw methods
    public void withdraw(double total_amt){
        if(total_amt < bal){
            System.out.print("Your transaction has been declined because there is no funds available"+ bal);
           System.out.println("\n "+ "Your current balance is"+this.bal);
        Transaction_Account newtrans = new Transaction_Account(new Date(), 'W', this.bal, 'Withdrawal made');
danpost danpost


Single quotes are for char type literals, not String literals -- Withdrawal made is of String type and requires double quotes. You are still missing two double type parameters after this.bal, for double amt and double newbal.
divinity divinity


hi danpost it required three (3) double) and a string and that is what I have in the transacation class, date date(), char, double, double, double, string which is as u can see, Date date(), char type, double bal, double amt, double newbal and String description, as u can see in the transaction below, am posting the transaction class again
public class Transaction_Account {
    private Date date;
    private double bal;
    private String description;
    char type;
    private double amt;
    double newbal;
    public Transaction_Account(Date date, char type, double bal,  double amt, double newbal, String description){
        = new Date();
        this.type = type;
        this.amt = amt;
        this.newbal= newbal;

    public Date getDate(){     
        return date;
    public char gettype(){
        return type;
    public double getbal(){
        return bal;
    public String getdescription(){
        return description;
    public double getamt(){
        return amt;
    public double getnewbal(){
        return newbal;
    public void setDate(Date date){;
    public void settype(char type){
    public void setbal(double bal){
    public void setdescription(String description){
    public void setamt(double amt){
        this.amt = amt;
    public void getnewbal(double newbal){
        this.newbal = newbal;
   public String toString(){
       return "\n"+new Date()+" "+ "Type "+ type + " "+ "Account Balance"+ bal +" "+"Description"+description;
what is it that you are seeing that I am not clearly seeing.
divinity divinity


are u talking about the transaction class or the account class.
danpost danpost


divinity wrote...
are u talking about the transaction class or the account class.
danpost wrote...
after this.bal,
Line 83, Account class.
divinity divinity


tell me what i am missing here danpost, still getting more errors, it is now say , like ah missing a laterial tell me what ah missing here,
public abstract class  Account{
    private String acctnum;
     double bal;
     private String first_name;
     private String last_name;
     private String home_add;
     private String email_add;
     ArrayList <Transaction_Account> trans = new ArrayList <>();
    public Account(String first_name, String last_name, String home_add, String email_add, double bal, String acctnum){
        this.first_name = first_name;
        this.last_name = last_name;
        this.acctnum= acctnum;
        this.bal= bal;
  //setters and getters methods
   //getters methods
    public String getfirst_name(){
        return first_name;
    public String getlast_name(){
        return last_name;
    public String gethome_add(){
        return home_add;
    public String getemail_add(){
        return email_add;
    public String getacctnum(){
        return acctnum;
    public double getbal(){
        return bal;
    public void setfirst_name(String first_name){
        this.first_name = first_name;
    //setters method 
    public void setlast_name(String last_name){
        this.last_name = last_name;
    public void sethome_add(String home_add){
        this.home_add = home_add;
    public void setemail_add(String email_add){
        this.email_add = email_add;
    public void setacctnum(String acctnum){
        this.acctnum= acctnum;
    public void setbal(double bal){
    //end of getters and setters methods
    //toString method
    public String toString(){
        return "Customers details" + this.first_name+" "+this.last_name+" "+this.acctnum+" "+
                this.home_add+" "+" "+this.email_add +" "+this.bal;
    //withdraw methods
    public void withdraw(double total_amt){
        if(total_amt < bal){
            System.out.print("Your transaction declined because there is no funds available"+ bal);
           System.out.println("\n "+ "Your current balance is"+this.bal);
        Transaction_Account newtrans = new Transaction_Account(new Date(), 'W', this.bal,double amt, double newbal, String description, "Withdrawal made");
Gbasire Gbasire


I don't think you understand how a constructor truely works here is an example of a constructor :
public Cat(int age, double weight, String name)
    this.age = age;
    this.weight = weight; = name;
and here is how you can call it, for example in class named Animal :
Cat cat = new Cat(9, 7.6, "Robert");
you CAN'T call it like this :
Cat cat = new Cat(int age, double weight, String name);
because you won't send any values. you MUST send some values. if you already have some variables in Animal, for example :
int a = 9; 
double b = 7.6; 
String c = "Robert";
You can call it like this :
Cat cat = new Cat(a, b, c);
because you will in fact send some values (9, 7.6 and "Robert") so in your case, you can do it like this FOR EXAMPLE :
Transaction_Account trans = new Transaction_Account(new Date(), 'W', bal,  0, 0, "Withdrawal made");
for the 0 of amt and the 0 of newbal, just put whatever double value you want
divinity divinity


hi gbasire I tried using what u said above and this is the error am getting ')' expected
Gbasire Gbasire


that's weird, I don't know why this could happen. Please share your code
divinity divinity


 Transaction_Account newtrans = new Transaction_Account(new Date(),'W', bal,?, 0, "Withdrawal made");
Gbasire Gbasire


Well I see nothing wrong there
divinity divinity


yeah but it still giving me grief am still getting the errors
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