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Greenfoot back
ronald wrote ...



ronald ronald


import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)
import java.time.LocalTime;

 * Write a description of class Clock here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class Clock extends Actor
    final float degrees06 = (float) (Math.PI / 30);
    final float degrees30 = degrees06 * 5;
    final float degrees90 = degrees30 * 3;
    final int size = 590;
    final int spacing = 100;
    final int diameter = size - 2 * spacing;
    final int cx = diameter / 2 + spacing;
    final int cy = diameter / 2 + spacing;
    public Clock() 
     * Act - do whatever the Clock wants to do. This method is called whenever
     * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment.
    public void act() 
        // Add your action code here.
        GreenfootImage gfim = new GreenfootImage(900,600);
    public void paintComponent(GreenfootImage gfim) {
        final LocalTime time  =;
        int hour = time.getHour();
        int minute = time.getMinute();
        int second = time.getSecond();
        float angle = degrees90 - (degrees06 * second);
        drawHand(gfim, angle, diameter / 2 - 30, Color.RED);
        float minsecs = (minute + second / 60.0F);
        angle = degrees90 - (degrees06 * minsecs);
        drawHand(gfim, angle, diameter / 3 + 10, Color.BLACK);
        float hourmins = (hour + minsecs / 60.0F);
        angle = degrees90 - (degrees30 * hourmins);
        drawHand(gfim, angle, diameter / 4 + 10, Color.BLACK);
    private void drawFace(GreenfootImage gfim) {
        //gfim.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2));
        gfim.fillOval(spacing, spacing, diameter, diameter);
        gfim.drawOval(spacing, spacing, diameter, diameter);
    private void drawHand(GreenfootImage gfim, float angle, int radius, Color color) {
        int x = cx + (int) (radius * Math.cos(angle));
        int y = cy - (int) (radius * Math.sin(angle));
        gfim.drawLine(cx, cy, x, y);
Hello I found a clock code I would like to increase the thickness of the oval and needles How to do with this code? Thank you for your help
RcCookie RcCookie


For the oval:
// globally
static final int BORDER = 2; // set border here
// Replace drawFace content
gfim.fillOval(spacing, spacing, diameter, diameter);
gfim.fillOval(spacing + BORDER, spacing + BORDER, diameter - 2 * BORDER, diameter - 2 * BORDER);
For the needles:
// Add „int width“ parameter to drawHand method
// Replace drawHand content
int x = cx + (int) (radius * Math.cos(angle));
int y = cy - (int) (radius * Math.sin(angle));
int dx = (int)(0.5 * width * Math.sin(angle));
int dy = (int)(0.5 * width * Math.cos(angle));
gfim.fillPolygon(new int[] {cx - dx, cx + dx, x + dx, x - dx}, new int[] {cy - dy, cy + dy, y + dy, y - dy}, 4);
Now add the desired width as parameter wherever drawHand is called.
ronald ronald


thank you
ronald ronald


 public void addedToWorld(World world)
        Locator loc = new Locator();
        getWorld().addObject(loc, getX(), getY());
        for(int i=1; i<=12; i++)
            loc.setLocation(getX(), getY());
            GreenfootImage num = new GreenfootImage(""+i, 36, Color.GRAY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
            loc.setLocation(loc.getX()-num.getWidth()/2, loc.getY()-num.getHeight()/2);
            int xOff = getX()-getImage().getWidth()/2;
            int yOff = getY()-getImage().getHeight()/2;
            getImage().drawImage(num, loc.getX()-xOff, loc.getY()-yOff);
    public class Locator extends Actor
        public Locator()
            setImage(new GreenfootImage(1, 1));
I try to insert numbers into the clock for that I base myself on the scenario of Danpost I do not know if it's good code?
danpost danpost


ronald wrote...
I try to insert numbers into the clock I do not know if it's good code?
Seems to work okay (provided clock image is large enough).
ronald ronald


import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)
import java.time.LocalTime;

 * Write a description of class Clock here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class Clock01 extends Actor
    final float degrees06 = (float) (Math.PI / 30);
    final float degrees30 = degrees06 * 5;
    final float degrees90 = degrees30 * 3;
    final int size = 590;
    final int spacing = 100;
    final int diameter = size - 2 * spacing;
    final int cx = diameter / 2 + spacing;
    final int cy = diameter / 2 + spacing;
    static final int BORDER = 5;
    int width = 5;
    public Clock01() 
    public void addedToWorld(World world)
        Locator loc = new Locator();
        getWorld().addObject(loc, getX(), getY());
        for(int i=1; i<=12; i++)
            loc.setLocation(getX(), getY());
            GreenfootImage num = new GreenfootImage(""+i, 36, Color.GRAY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
            loc.setLocation(loc.getX()-num.getWidth()/2, loc.getY()-num.getHeight()/2);
            int xOff = getX()-getImage().getWidth()/2;
            int yOff = getY()-getImage().getHeight()/2;
            getImage().drawImage(num, loc.getX()-xOff, loc.getY()-yOff);
     * Act - do whatever the Clock wants to do. This method is called whenever
     * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment.
    public void act()
        // Add your action code here.
        GreenfootImage gfim = new GreenfootImage(900, 600);
    public void paintComponent(GreenfootImage gfim) 
        final LocalTime time  =;
        int hour = time.getHour();
        int minute = time.getMinute();
        int second = time.getSecond();
        float angle = degrees90 - (degrees06 * second);
        drawHand(gfim, width, angle, diameter / 2 - 30, Color.RED);
        float minsecs = (minute + second / 60.0F);
        angle = degrees90 - (degrees06 * minsecs);
        drawHand(gfim, width, angle, diameter / 3 + 10, Color.BLACK);
        float hourmins = (hour + minsecs / 60.0F);
        angle = degrees90 - (degrees30 * hourmins);
        drawHand(gfim, width, angle, diameter / 4 + 10, Color.BLACK);
    private void drawFace(GreenfootImage gfim) 
        gfim.fillOval(spacing, spacing, diameter, diameter);
        gfim.fillOval(spacing + BORDER, spacing + BORDER, diameter - 2 * BORDER, diameter - 2 * BORDER);
        //gfim.drawOval(spacing, spacing, diameter, diameter);
    private void drawHand(GreenfootImage gfim, int width, float angle, int radius, Color color) 
        int x = cx + (int) (radius * Math.cos(angle));
        int y = cy - (int) (radius * Math.sin(angle));
        int dx = (int) (0.5 * width * Math.sin(angle));
        int dy = (int) (0.5 * width * Math.cos(angle));
        //gfim.drawLine(cx, cy, x, y);
        gfim.fillPolygon(new int[] {cx - dx, cx + dx, x + dx, x - dx},
                         new int[] {cy - dy, cy + dy, y + dy, y - dy}, 4);
    public class Locator extends Actor
        public Locator()
            setImage(new GreenfootImage(1, 1));
It does not seem to work What is the problem ?
danpost danpost


Try this:
public void act()
    GreenfootImage gfim = new GreenfootImage(600, 600);
danpost danpost


Actually, a better place for line 6 would be immediately after drawFace(gfim); in the paintComponent(GreenfootImage) method. Still, line 3 needs change as given.
ronald ronald


If I understand correctly, you want me to place line 6 addedtoworld (getworld ()); In the Paincomponent Methode
ronald ronald


OK I understood I put the line 6 addedtoworld (getworld ()); In the PaintComponent method just after DrawFace (GFIM); It does not give anything
danpost danpost


ronald wrote...
OK I understood I put the line 6 addedtoworld (getworld ()); In the PaintComponent method just after DrawFace (GFIM); It does not give anything
Show your updated code.
ronald ronald


import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)
import java.time.LocalTime;

 * Write a description of class Clock here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class Clock01 extends Actor
    final float degrees06 = (float) (Math.PI / 30);
    final float degrees30 = degrees06 * 5;
    final float degrees90 = degrees30 * 3;
    final int size = 590;
    final int spacing = 100;
    final int diameter = size - 2 * spacing;
    final int cx = diameter / 2 + spacing;
    final int cy = diameter / 2 + spacing;
    static final int BORDER = 5;
    int width = 5;
    public Clock01() 
     * Act - do whatever the Clock wants to do. This method is called whenever
     * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment.
    public void act()
        // Add your action code here.
        GreenfootImage gfim = new GreenfootImage(600, 600);
    public void paintComponent(GreenfootImage gfim) 
        final LocalTime time  =;
        int hour = time.getHour();
        int minute = time.getMinute();
        int second = time.getSecond();
        float angle = degrees90 - (degrees06 * second);
        drawHand(gfim, width, angle, diameter / 2 - 30, Color.RED);
        float minsecs = (minute + second / 60.0F);
        angle = degrees90 - (degrees06 * minsecs);
        drawHand(gfim, width, angle, diameter / 3 + 10, Color.BLACK);
        float hourmins = (hour + minsecs / 60.0F);
        angle = degrees90 - (degrees30 * hourmins);
        drawHand(gfim, width, angle, diameter / 4 + 10, Color.BLACK);
    private void drawFace(GreenfootImage gfim) 
        gfim.fillOval(spacing, spacing, diameter, diameter);
        gfim.fillOval(spacing + BORDER, spacing + BORDER, diameter - 2 * BORDER, diameter - 2 * BORDER);
        //gfim.drawOval(spacing, spacing, diameter, diameter);
    private void drawHand(GreenfootImage gfim, int width, float angle, int radius, Color color) 
        int x = cx + (int) (radius * Math.cos(angle));
        int y = cy - (int) (radius * Math.sin(angle));
        int dx = (int) (0.5 * width * Math.sin(angle));
        int dy = (int) (0.5 * width * Math.cos(angle));
        //gfim.drawLine(cx, cy, x, y);
        gfim.fillPolygon(new int[] {cx - dx, cx + dx, x + dx, x - dx},
                         new int[] {cy - dy, cy + dy, y + dy, y - dy}, 4);
    public void addedToWorld(World world)
        Locator loc = new Locator();
        getWorld().addObject(loc, getX(), getY());
        for(int i=1; i<=12; i++)
            loc.setLocation(getX(), getY());
            GreenfootImage num = new GreenfootImage(""+i, 36, Color.GRAY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
            loc.setLocation(loc.getX()-num.getWidth()/2, loc.getY()-num.getHeight()/2);
            int xOff = getX()-getImage().getWidth()/2;
            int yOff = getY()-getImage().getHeight()/2;
            getImage().drawImage(num, loc.getX()-xOff, loc.getY()-yOff);
    public class Locator extends Actor
        public Locator()
            setImage(new GreenfootImage(1, 1));
Otherwise it works
danpost danpost


Moving line 40 to line 46 will paint hands over the numbers.
ronald ronald


ok I understand the needles pass on the numbers and not behind the numbers yes, I do not see the numbers anymore
ronald ronald


Why do not numbers display?
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