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Multi-thread bugs

RcCookie RcCookie


I was trying to create some methods to delay execution of methods by using multiple threads, and it works perfectly in the greenfoot application. However, when uploading the exact same scenario to the Greenfoot website and running it there, the second thread simply executes until it is finished, and only after that is done the main simulation thread runs on. This is obviously not how its intended, because even though the execution of the given method is delayed the specified time, everything else is, too. I wonder if there is a workaround for this bug that may be more complicated, but the more I work with threads the more powerful they seem to me. Here is the code I'm currently using (works fine except online)('Action' is a functional interface with the method run(Object)):
package packages.event;

import greenfoot.core.Simulation;

 * A class that allows to execute methods on different threads easily, for example with a delay.
 * <p>To make the use of this class more conveniant you can write
 * <p>{@code import static packages.event.Threads.*;}<p>instead of
 * <p>{@code import packages.event.Threads;}
 * <p>to be able to write for example {@code delay(...)} instead of {@code Delay.delay(...)}.
public final class Threads extends Thread {

    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    // Internal thread implementation
    // ---------------------------------------------------------

     * The time at which the execution will actually start.
    final long start;

     * The action to perform.
    final Action action;

     * The objects to pass in as argument when the action gets executed.
    final Object argument;

     * Creates and starts a new thread to run after the specified delay the given action.
     * @param nanoDelay The nanoseconds to delay the execution
     * @param action The action to run
    private Threads(final long nanoDelay, Object argument, final Action action) {
        start = System.nanoTime() + nanoDelay;
        this.argument = argument;
        this.action = action;

        // Increase performance of simulation thread

     * Waits until the start time is reached and calls {@code run(null)} on the given action.
    public void run() {
        while(System.nanoTime() < start);;

    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    // Public methods
    // ---------------------------------------------------------

     * Executes {@code action} after the specified amount of time. Note that seconds is a {@code double},
     * time will be measured using {@code System.nanoTime()}.
     * <p>To make the use of this class more conveniant you can write
     * <p>{@code import static packages.event.Delay.*;}<p>instead of
     * <p>{@code import packages.event.Delay;}
     * <p>to be able to write {@code delay(...)} instead of {@code Delay.delay(...)}.
     * @param seconds The number of seconds to delay the execution, as a double
     * @param argument The argument to be passed into the run method on execution
     * @param action The action to execute delayed.
    public static final void delay(double seconds, Object argument, Action action) {
        new Threads((long)(seconds * 1000000000), argument, action);

     * Executes {@code action} after the specified amount of time. Note that seconds is a {@code double},
     * time will be measured using {@code System.nanoTime()}.
     * <p>To make the use of this class more conveniant you can write
     * <p>{@code import static packages.event.Delay.*;}<p>instead of
     * <p>{@code import packages.event.Delay;}
     * <p>to be able to write {@code delay(...)} instead of {@code Delay.delay(...)}.
     * @param seconds The number of seconds to delay the execution, as a double
     * @param action The action to execute delayed. As argument will be passsed {@code null}
    public static final void delay(double seconds, Action action) {
        delay(seconds, null, action);

     * Runs the given action with the specified argument on a new thread simultaniously to the executing method.
     * <p>To make the use of this class more conveniant you can write
     * <p>{@code import static packages.event.Delay.*;}<p>instead of
     * <p>{@code import packages.event.Delay;}
     * <p>to be able to write {@code runParallel(...)} instead of {@code Delay.runParallel(...)}.
     * @param argument The argument to be passed into the run method on execution
     * @param action The action to be exectuted simultaniously
    public static final void runParralel(Object argument, Action action) {
        new Threads(0, argument, action);

     * Runs the given action on a new thread simultaniously to the executing method.
     * <p>To make the use of this class more conveniant you can write
     * <p>{@code import static packages.event.Delay.*;}<p>instead of
     * <p>{@code import packages.event.Delay;}
     * <p>to be able to write {@code runParallel(...)} instead of {@code Delay.runParallel(...)}.
     * @param action The action to be exectuted simultaniously. As argument will be passsed {@code null}
    public static final void runParralel(Action action) {
       runParralel(null, action);
RcCookie RcCookie


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