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EXEfood wrote ...


paceman problems

EXEfood EXEfood


pacman can get stuck when turning in a wall and i keep getting this error message java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 840 at Level.generateLevel( at Level.<init>(
EXEfood EXEfood


import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, and Greenfoot)
import java.util.Iterator;

 * The PacMan Class is for the user to play PacMan.
 * It has controls to move PacMan with either the arrow
 * or w,a,s,d keys.
 * PacMan will eat the food and Energizer pills when he moves
 * over them and will die if he touches a Ghost when the Ghost
 * is normal. If PacMan eats an Energizer pill the Ghosts
 * will change into their danger behaviour mode, and if PacMan
 * touches them then they will change into their dead mode.
 * PacMan also cannot move across the light blue PacManWall
 * instances which the Ghosts can.
public class PacMan extends Actor
    // the player's speed
    private static final int SPEED = 2;

    // movement types
    private static final int
    NONE = 0, // movement is allowed
    RIGHT = 1, // move right
    LEFT = 2, // move left
    DOWN = 3, // move down
    UP = 4; // move up

    // frame number
    private static final int
    FULL = 3,
    CLOSED = 2,
    SEMI_OPEN = 1,
    OPEN = 0;

    // if the player is dead or not
    private boolean dead = false;

    // the direction the player is moving in
    // first one to keep track of what the direction is before the control input
    private int originalDirection = NONE;
    // second to keep track of the direction inputted by the controls
    private int moveDirection = NONE;

    // to check if the mouth should be opening or closing
    private boolean mouthOpening = true;
    // the frame to use currently
    private int frameType = FULL;
    // animatedImages
    private GreenfootImage imageFull;
    private AnimatedImage imageUp;
    private AnimatedImage imageDown;
    private AnimatedImage imageLeft;
    private AnimatedImage imageRight;
    private AnimatedImage imageDeath;

     * PacMan Constructor
     * It created all the animated images,
     * and one for when pacman is a full circle.
     * It also sets the image,
     * and states the frameType to match.
    public PacMan()
        imageFull = new GreenfootImage("pacmanFull.png");
        imageUp = new AnimatedImage("pacmanAnimUp.png", 3, 16, 16);
        imageDown = new AnimatedImage("pacmanAnimDown.png", 3, 16, 16);
        imageLeft = new AnimatedImage("pacmanAnimLeft.png", 3, 16, 16);
        imageRight = new AnimatedImage("pacmanAnimRight.png", 3, 16, 16);
        imageDeath = new AnimatedImage("pacmanAnimDeath.png", 7, 16, 16);

        setImage( imageRight.getFrame(SEMI_OPEN) );
        frameType = SEMI_OPEN;


     * Method to be run on each frame.
     * If the player isn't dead the controls will be taken.
     * The player will then move in the required direction,
     * update the player's frame
     * and check for food, ghosts, cherrys and energizers.
     * If the player is dead it will simply run the animation
     * of dying.
    public void act()
        if (!dead) {
            // make a second reference to the direction of the player
            originalDirection = moveDirection;

            // Move the player.
            // Check for food.
        else {

     * Checks if the key's 'right', 'left', 'up',
     * 'down', 'w', 'a', 's' of 'd' are pressed, and updates
     * the movementDirection of the player, so they will
     * now attempt to move in that direction.
    private void controls()
        if ( Greenfoot.isKeyDown("right") || Greenfoot.isKeyDown("D") ) {
            moveDirection = RIGHT;
        else if ( Greenfoot.isKeyDown("left") || Greenfoot.isKeyDown("A") ) {
            moveDirection = LEFT;
        else if ( Greenfoot.isKeyDown("up") || Greenfoot.isKeyDown("W") ) {
            moveDirection = UP;
        else if ( Greenfoot.isKeyDown("down") || Greenfoot.isKeyDown("S") ) {
            moveDirection = DOWN;

     * Works out where the player will move to, then
     * checks if the player can move there, and if so will
     * move there.
     * If they cannot move there it will run again with the
     * direction from before the controls were taken.
     * @param speed the speed the player will travel at
    public void move(int speed)
            // get the x and y position of the player
            int x = getX();
            int y = getY();

            // change it according to the movement
            if (moveDirection == RIGHT) {
                x = x+speed;
            else if (moveDirection == LEFT) {
                x = x-speed;
            else if (moveDirection == DOWN) {
                y = y+speed;
            else if (moveDirection == UP) {
                y = y-speed;

            // get the width and height of the world
            int worldWidth = getWorld().getWidth();
            int worldHeight = getWorld().getHeight();

            // check if the x co-ordinate is within the world
            if (x < 0) {
                x += worldWidth;
            else if (x > worldWidth-1) {
                x -= worldWidth;

            // check if the y co-ordinate is within the world
            if (y < 0) {
                y += worldHeight;
            else if (y > worldHeight-1) {
                y -= worldHeight;

            // unless there is a wall at the next position
            if (!checkForWall(x,y)) {
                // if the new direction is different to the previous direction

                if (moveDirection != originalDirection) {
                    // I change the image to match


                // move the player to there
                setLocation(x, y);

            else {
                // check if the original direction was different to the direction just used
                if (moveDirection != originalDirection) {
                    // as the player cannot move there, I restore the direction
                    moveDirection = originalDirection;
                    // and move the player in the direction they were travelling in
                moveDirection = originalDirection;

     * Works out which frame should be used. This depends
     * on if the player is dead, the direction the player is
     * travelling in and the frame of the image.
    private void updateImage()
        // check if the player is dead
        if (dead) {
            setImage(imageDeath.getFrame(frameType) );
        // check if the player is a full pacman
        else if (frameType == FULL) {
        // check if the player is moving right
        else if (moveDirection == RIGHT) {
            setImage( imageRight.getFrame(frameType) );
        // check if the player is moving left
        else if (moveDirection == LEFT) {
            setImage( imageLeft.getFrame(frameType) );
        // check if the player is moving up
        else if (moveDirection == UP) {
            setImage( imageUp.getFrame(frameType) );
        // check if the player is moving down
        else if (moveDirection == DOWN) {
            setImage( imageDown.getFrame(frameType) );

     * Updates the frame number to be used when drawing.
     * The frame type will either be counting up or down depending
     * on if the player's mouth is opening or closing,
     * unless the player is dead.
    private void updateFrame()
        if (dead) {
            if (frameType < imageDeath.getNumberOfFrames()-1) {
            else {
                // end the method
        else if (mouthOpening) {
            if (frameType < FULL) {
            else {
                mouthOpening = false;
        else {
            if (frameType > OPEN) {
            else {
                mouthOpening = true;


     * Checks for a wall and a PacManWall
     * at the given co-ordinates.
     * @param x the x co-ordinate
     * @param y the y co-ordinate
     * @return true if there is a wall or PacMan wall, false if not.
    private boolean checkForWall(int x, int y)
        int origX = getX();
        int origY = getY();

        // Finds a wall object at the offset to the player.
        setLocation(x , y);
        Actor wall = getOneIntersectingObject( Wall.class );
        Actor pacManWall = getOneIntersectingObject( PacManWall.class );
        setLocation(origX, origY);

        return (wall != null || pacManWall != null);

     * Checks for a Food instance at PacMan's location,
     * and if there is one the Food will be removed from
     * the world.
    private void checkForFood()
        // Finds a food object in the same tile.
        Food food = (Food) getOneIntersectingObject(Food.class);

        // If a food object has been found.
        if (food != null) {
            // and removes the food.

     * Checks for an Energizer instance at PacMan's location,
     * and if there is one the Energizer will be removed from
     * the world and the Ghosts will enter their danger behaviour
     * mode.
    private void checkForEnergizer()
        // find the energizer
        Energizer energizer = (Energizer) getOneIntersectingObject(Energizer.class);

        if (energizer != null) {
            Iterator ghostIterator = getWorld().getObjects(Ghost.class).iterator();
            while (ghostIterator.hasNext()) {
                Ghost ghost = (Ghost);


     * Checks for a Ghost instance at PacMan's
     * current location. If one is found it's current
     * behaviour state will be checked.
     * If the Ghost is normal then PacMan will die.
     * If the Ghost is in danger then the Ghost will
     * be set to dead behaviour mode.
     * If the Ghost is dead, nothing will happen.
    private void checkForGhost()
        // find a ghost touching pacman
        Ghost ghost = (Ghost) getOneIntersectingObject(Ghost.class);

        // check if a ghost is found
        if (ghost != null) {
            // check if the ghost is normal
            if (ghost.isNormal()) {
                // if so pacman is now dead
            // check if the ghost is in danger (if it's blue)
            else if (ghost.isDanger()) {
                // in which case the ghost is now dead

     * Sets PacMan to be dead, and starts the death
     * animation.
    public void died()
        if (!dead) {
            dead = true;
            frameType = -1;
Super_Hippo Super_Hippo


Not sure why pacman ends in a wall, but the error message happens in the Level class, so you have to show this class.
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