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Scenarios tagged: test

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play VisualPersistence01
plays 3988 / votes 0


by dbal, 2008/7/19

play JSonic
plays 6196 / votes 4


by Mygames19, 2010/5/20

An attempt at creating Sonic in Greenfoot!

play chainreactiontest
plays 2932 / votes 0


by advil0, 2010/5/23

testing chain reaction

play Defend2
plays 2778 / votes 0


by william1616, 2010/10/13

play Greenfoot Jeopardy
plays 16330 / votes 15

Greenfoot Jeopardy

by edparrish, 2011/1/18

Test your Greenfoot and Java knowledge with this Jeopardy-like game!

play Flying Cow
plays 5387 / votes 1

Flying Cow

by thomaswinget, 2011/5/25

Fly and get rid of trolls!

play mic-demo
plays 5052 / votes 2


by mik, 2011/9/1

A test for using microphone input

play Crabby:Wormchase
plays 2695 / votes 0


by keazon, 2011/11/12

play ICopter Greenfoot V0.5 Demo
plays 3073 / votes 0

ICopter Greenfoot V0.5 Demo

by TopInPut, 2012/3/2