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Scenarios tagged: if

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play Flappy Bird Game(Code does not work)
plays 2436 / votes 1

Flappy Bird Game(Code does not work)

by JamesE, 2020/1/17

Need help to make counter work

play Lizard Dash
plays 483524 / votes 3

Lizard Dash

by itscarlwheezer, 2019/5/24

Eat bananas and kill spiders - but don't get eaten

play Speed Pursuit
plays 2137 / votes 0

Speed Pursuit

by BillTrimble, 2017/11/27

Avoid police collect turbos

play dialog demo
plays 9344 / votes 1

dialog demo

by tylers, 2012/4/11

dialog demo

play dickybirds
plays 3161 / votes 0


by m.capurso, 2011/7/29

Teach if then else