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Scenarios tagged: bubbles

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play Bubbles Scenario
plays 1530 / votes 0

Bubbles Scenario

by soccerplayer88, 2016/4/18

When you click on the screen you will see different bubbles.

play bubblesryan
plays 2330 / votes 0


by PeterParker, 2016/5/9

Click to spawn bubbles

play bounce 2
plays 2165 / votes 0

bounce 2

by BruceWayne, 2016/4/18

The game has floating bubbles that change colors around the screen

play bubbles scenario, tissuepaper
plays 2584 / votes 0

bubbles scenario, tissuepaper

by tissuepaper, 2016/4/18

Watch colored bubbles bounce off the background walls.

play bubbles
plays 2066 / votes 0


by newjersey, 2016/4/18

bouncing bubbles

play Bubbles Scenario2
plays 2517 / votes 0

Bubbles Scenario2

by Beret514, 2016/4/18

This sceneario deals with bubbles.

play Bubbles Scenario
plays 3711 / votes 1

Bubbles Scenario

by johndoe108, 2016/4/18

This game has already been created but I have added the code to create it myself.

play Bubble Scenario
plays 2535 / votes 0

Bubble Scenario

by methead07, 2016/4/18

Bubble Game

play Bubbles
plays 2141 / votes 0


by Goalie42, 2016/4/18

Bubbles scenaro #17-23