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Gevater_Tod4711 presents ...


Jump'N'Run Engine

Using this engine you can easily create your own Jump'N'Run Games.

For some examples you can have a look at my games I created using this engine:
Operation: Crash Test (
Super Mario World (
Gravity Chaos (

When you download the engine you'll find many classes which can be used to create the levels. There are menus, players, background classes, items and objects that can be used in your games.

To create your own levels you first need to choose the textures, images and settings you want to use in your game. You can change all the settings in the class Settings where you can also choose the texture pack.
In this engine there are three texture packs already given. These are the texture packs I used in my games "Operation: Crash Test", "Super Mario World" and "Gravity Chaos" that I also created using this engine. All the settings you can choose should be chosen before you create the levels. When you change the settings after creating some levels these levels might not be playable anymore (e.g. you can’t jump high enough anymore).

After you've chosen all the textures and settings you can start to create a new level. Therefore you can stop the scenario, remove the menus, rightclick on the worlds background and choose "createNewLevel()". (This method only exists in the JumpNRunWorld. The class CoverWorld is not necessary. You can delete this class).
When your new level starts you'll find your character and an empty world with some grids to help you arranging your level objects.
When you create a new level the engine is in an editing mode where your character doesn't fall down or move like in the real game. So you can start the execution of the scenario and create the level.

To add new objects to the world you can select the objects in the list of classes that can be used, rightclick on them, create a new object and add it to the world wherever you want.
I would advice you to start with the background classes because they are the basic framework for your level.
When you added the new object to the world you can either use the mouse to move the object or you can use the arrow keys. In the editing mode it's possible to move all objects using the arrow keys. You can also choose whether you want to make the objects move slowly or fast using the keys 1 - 4 (1 = very slow, 4 = very fast).

When you've added all the objects you need for the part in the world, where you are at the moment you can click on your character to select him to be moved. In the edit mode only the selected objects are moved. You can select every object by clicking on it.
When your character is the selected moving object you can use the arrow keys to scroll through the world.
Your character will always stay in the middle of the world and the objects around him are moved (like in the real game). So you can move around in the whole level (You can also move through lava or water but not through earth).

Now you can create the whole level like you want it. You can add background objects like simple earth objects on which you can stand, ropes, moving platforms but also enemies, items or other objects like switches or traps.

An explanation of all the objects is to be found in the classes.

When you finished creating your level you need to save it. Therefore you'll find the method "printLevelBlueprint()" in the class JumpNRunWorld. To use this method you have to pause the scenario, rightclick on the world background and select the method "printLevelBlueprint()".
This method will print a complete blueprint of the level you created in the console. This blueprint includes all information that is needed to rebuild your level.
Now this blueprint must be saved in the source code of your game. Therefore you'll find the class LevelConstructor. When you open the source code of this class you can see some variables and methods.
You now have to change the code of this class:
- first you create a new method (like public void buildLevel1() or the current level number)
- then you copy the blueprint from the console and paste it into the new method
- now you need to change the method buildLevel(int levelNumber).
Add another case to the switch - case - statement (like the example)
- the method that is called in the case must be the method you created for your new level
- as the last you have to change the value of the variable levelNumber.
Increase it by one for every level so it is the number of levels in your game

I would advice you to save the level sometimes when it’s not ready. Just to be sure that you don’t press the reset button by mistake and delete your whole work.

Now you can compile the game and your level is finished.

If you've got questions or suggestions for improvement please tell me.

12825 views / 33 in the last 7 days

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Tags: game demo with-source

open in greenfoot

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Wie lang hat es gedauert das alles zu tippen?


Zu lange. In etwa ne halbe oder dreiviertel Stunde.


Nice Cover

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