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Comments for Mushroom Game Demo(s)

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Apr 05 22:29:38 UTC 2013 Control Bugs fixed. Menu Isn't Sensitive. Menu Pauses Game. Can reset Player.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Apr 06 18:56:13 UTC 2013 Changed Mushroom's look. Please tell me what you think! Added a blank world (where I'm going to add an enemy or two later)
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Apr 06 18:57:37 UTC 2013 Fixed picture.


I like the new mushroom! But it will look a lot better when it isn't basically the only low-res graphic.. you should add a walking animation
I will be working on a walking cycle later. I'm almost done changing everything else to 8-bit.


Cool! This is turning out better and better!


Oops >_< this entire time i forgot to like!
Thanks for liking! Going to update the graphics now!
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Apr 06 20:16:49 UTC 2013 Almost everything has 8-bit graphics now (Besides the Menu, Buttons, and targets).


Nice graphics
Thanks! Sorry, I haven't had the time to make a background yet, but I'll work on that soon.
I can't move !?
Did you set your controls by going to the menu?
No, but I cant get there, too. strange
Well, I'm pretty sure I made the code work for new users. I'll take a look at that later. I'm going to update the code so you can get to the menu easier.
Thank you.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Apr 07 18:45:10 UTC 2013 Updated that you can always go to the menu using "escape"


For future bug-fixing if you make one of the function keys do something it wont work
What do you mean?


if you set one of the controls to one of the function keys (f1, f2, f3, ect.) it wont work when you click it
Oh, I hadn't thought of using function keys. In the next update (which should be by the end of the week) I'll try to add that.


Actually, I'm going to update now, just noticed I don't have source code up...
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Apr 10 23:34:25 UTC 2013 Re-added source code. Bugs Fixed: Falling through edge of platform *Almost* fixed the bug of sprinting off the top of the ladder (it's just harder to do now) You now bounce off the top of the world (like if there was a block above you)
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Apr 11 23:45:51 UTC 2013 Added Health and Ammo Bars for the Player. Added a health bar for the targets (when you hit them). Added a kit up top that increases your max health (you got to move things while paused around to get to it) I will be gone camping until Saturday afternoon, don't expect an update until afterwords.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Apr 13 20:38:20 UTC 2013 - Added Enemies! - New Enemy - Basic Moving Enemy: - Stats: - 10 health - 2 Speed (3 speed when chasing player) - 2 Attack - Moves around - Chases Player after you attack it. - To test dropping, this enemy drops a random amount of coins (up to 5 coins with up to a value of 10 each) and a health bonus (with a value up to 5) - Glitch: - When chasing player, will sometimes look the other way for a single frame. - Player: - New look - New animations: - Spitting animation - Hurt animation - Health Bar: - Cool effect when you gain a health bonus - Kits: - New Kit: Gold! - The game remembers how much gold you've picked up (even if you leave the page and come back) - Your amount of gold will be reset when you die or press the reset player button - New Kit: 1-UP! - Gives the player a higher maximum health - Resets with each world. - Changed Kit pics. - Kits can be dropped by enemies now - When dropped, they will bounce off the side of the world - They float in place - Spit: - "Splashes" when it hits something - Bugs/Glitches Fixed: - Small glitch where player didn't properly jump through platforms (hardly noticable before) - Fixed a minor problem in detecting ground (wasn't noticable unless you screwed around with the ground position) - Code-wise (for those interested behind the scenes): - Made a bunch of interfaces for moving, jumping, attacking, etc. - Changed some method names (to fit the interfaces) - Changed the DamageActor hierchy so it's easier to work with them in the future.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Apr 13 23:03:02 UTC 2013 Updated code to add gold to your UserInfo while switching between levels.


Really like the new updates!!! Can't wait to see this become a finished game!


Like it
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Apr 16 00:31:29 UTC 2013 -Enemies - New Enemy! Shooter! - Health: 10 - Attack Damage: 1 - Spit damage: 1 - Drops; The same as the previous - When the player is in front of it, he will start shooting at the player.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Apr 16 00:35:02 UTC 2013 -Bugs fixed: - The non-shooting enemy drops stuff now
Whoops, forgot to say in update, fixed the bug with the enemy sometimes looking the other way while chasing you.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Apr 16 00:55:24 UTC 2013 - Level Update: - The ladder level now has a bunch of gold.


This is really coming together!
Thank you!
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Apr 16 22:39:52 UTC 2013 - Enemies - New enemy! Lvl 2 shooter - Stats: - Health: 8 - Attack Damage: 2 - Spit damage: 1 - Speed: 1 - 4 - Drops the same as the other two - Chases player if player is in front of it, not if hurt. Runs a lot faster when chasing. - If player hurts it, he turns around if the player is not in front of it. - Tip/Glitch: If it's running towards you, jump and shoot at it, he will turn around and walk the other way. - Worlds - The enemy worlds have a message that pops up for a few seconds about the type of enemy you're facing.


Glitch Alert: If you stand above a provoked enemy it will flip back and forth
Yes, already aware of that, forgot to put that in the description.


Nice job on the bouncing 1-up and bouncing health! did you do it with for loops?


Are you going to add scrolling?
Actually, I didn't use loops for moving up and down. That doesn't work in Greenfoot, because it all happens w/i one frame. I have a counter that starts at -10 and goes to 10. When the counter is negative, it goes down 1, when it's positive, it goes up. I'm going to be working on scrolling soon. I haven't started it yet, but I hope to include it in the next update. I wanted to start with a couple different type of enemies before I started working on scrolling.


A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Apr 17 01:42:19 UTC 2013 - Bugs Fixed - Reset Target Button now gets rid of any unnecassary health bar for the targets and doesn't remove the gold counter anymore.
I'm going to stop working on this demo for a few days while I work on another project. Thanks for support while I've been making this game. I promise that I will go back to this after I'm done with my new project.


What is the new project?
I was talking with a friend and we were thinking of ways we (read: "me" lol) could make a multiplayer game over greenfoot's UserInfo. I decided I would to try to make a online chess game. It would work the same way as danposts private messaging, but instead of sending messages to each other, two people send coordinates for different pieces. I don't know how long it's going to take, but I hope I get it done soon.


That would be really cool! But hard....
Yep. If I find it too hard, I'll come back here and continue with chess later.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat May 25 14:21:50 UTC 2013 Realized that people without a Greenfoot account couldn't play, so I've changed it that non-users can play, they just can't change the controls.


i cant play neither