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Final project for ICS3U


Use arrow keys to move and "space" to jump.
Use keys "f" and "d" to attack. Use key "e" for a rush attack.
Press "up" arrow key near door to move to next level.
Press 1 to switch to polearm and 2 to switch to bow.
Press w to attack using the bow.
Kill at least half the guards on each level to continue.
Kill the boss in each dungeon to gain access to the next dungeon.
In this version, there are 2 dungeons after the tutorial.

Press "p" in the tutorial to skip straight to the town
Press the escape key for the built in pause button

*Colour Codes*
*Blue - Harmless*
*Green - Fairly Weak*
*Yellow - Intermediate Threat*
*Orange - Major Threat*
*Black - Extreme Threat*

Game idea inspired from Sinjid, from
Background images and music used from, Dragonfable, Legend of Cao Cao, and Maplestory. All rights go towards their respective owners.

4239 views / 8 in the last 7 days

5 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game pierre elliott trudeau peths

This scenario is a member of: ICS3U P2 Games

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