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TakeshiSQTH presents ...



Run out of time, it's poorly made. You can enjoy it, anyway. Maybe I'll upload it later.

4376 views / 8 in the last 7 days

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This scenario is a member of: BCC-IME-USP

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Jul 05 02:42:51 UTC 2011 Corrected a bug in the BossEnemy class.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Jul 05 03:04:06 UTC 2011 Corrected a bug in the GameScript class.


I found a bug in the second level: if you stay in the initial position of the button "reset", you cannot be fired... And it's possible keep playing by pressing "run" and moving to escape the bullet. Whatever, it's a nice game!


It's not actually a bug. The gameover is very poorly implemented. I really messed up making this EP. As for the second stage/wave, I really should change that, however my initial thoughts are that one player can beat the game if he memorize some patterns, instead of pure dodge skills. Thank you for your comment!

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