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SerenaGameDev presents ...


Deltarune: Pong Edition [DEMO]

[Update finished on: 10/20/22]

Whoops, I maaay have forgotten to push this update SDSHBDHSBD

But, uhm, yeah! Behold: a version of the game that is 99% less likely to blow up your PC upon loading!!!! Probably!!!! Hopefully????

This version is gonna be the last version made in Greenfoot- or, honestly, Java in general. This version was originally made for a school project, but development is still continuing!! We're just moving engines :]

Oh, yeah! Speaking of which, I've been working with some really cool people to make a complete version of Deltarune: Pong Edition a reality. It'll be a while before that's out, but I promise that you're all gonna love it <3

'Till then; feel free to follow me on twitter (@SerenaGameDev)!! I'll be posting cool development updates from time to time, alongside other things >w<

-- v1.0a --

* Made ball slightly less janky??
* Overhauled file structure.
* Significantly optimized code (super big performance increase!!!!! <3333)
* Updated visuals (for example: each paddle has a unique color~!).
* Added basic tutorial screen.
* Added even more basic win screen.
* Tons and TONS of bug fixes- like, too many to list >.>
* Increased bumpscocity by 2.3%

918 views / 16 in the last 7 days

Tags: game demo with-source pong undertale deltarune

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